Chapter 13

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Class is finishing up. I've been praised for my extra turned out feet, my improved crossing, and excellent jump 2,3s. This has been the best class yet!
About 15 minutes ago, Razz disappeared to speak to someone. She told us to practice our jump 2,3s, and I'm the only one still doing them. The rest of the class is talking. All of a sudden, the door opens and Razz enters with Anne. "Class, this is Anne, remember?" We all nod. How could we not remember? We had watched her amazing class just last Wednesday!
"Hey, everyone!" Anne says, but it's clear she's not hear to teach our class.
"Lucy, we need to speak to you for a minute." Razz says and then she turns to the rest of the class. "Keep doing your jump 2,3s! Do them until I come back in, but make sure you're doing them!" Then she takes me outside in the hallway and closes the door to studio B. I hope I'm not in trouble. Maybe my shoes aren't right. Maybe I'm not meant to be an irish dancer. Worried thoughts swirl around my brain in just a matter of seconds.
"Lucy, Razz told me that you've been looking amazing tonight! She said it's clear you've been practicing!" Anne says, and I nod still unsure of where this is going.
"Have you been practicing?" Razz asks curiously.
"On Thursday, I practiced for 2 hours, on Friday it was 1, Saturday 1.5, and Sunday I couldn't. I'm sorry I couldn't practice Sunday." That was definitely why I've been brought out here! I'm going to be scolded for not practicing yesterday, but I couldn't because I was at my grandma's house!
"Lucy, that's not a problem at all!" Razz says. Wait what?
"Most children your age and level don't even practice 10 minutes a week at home! Heck, most children in prelim and open your age (even though we only have 1 girl your age in open and one in prelim) don't even practice as long as you did this past week!" Anne says. Before I can say anything, she continues speaking. "Razz says that you've got quite a lot of natural talent and hard work and determination in you. Would you like to advance to Advanced Beginner and to compete at feises?" I nod like an eager puppy. I can't believe this! This is what I've been working for!
"Thank you so so so much!" I exclaim.
"Alright, I'm glad you're so excited and I'm glad you're working hard! I'll speak to your mom about the different class times and about the feis details but in the meantime let me just say, welcome to advanced beginner and to the crazy, competitive irish dance world!"

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