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Peyton's POV

I walked in to my dressing room and plopped myself onto my gray couch, exhausted from being up early today. I should have slept in my dressing room, I knew I had to get up early. I sighed and got up to make myself a cup of coffee when i noticed a note sitting on my coffee table.

Live chat at 8:30 in the lounge.

I better make myself extra coffee, it's going to be a long night. I turned on the coffee machine and watched the dark, steamy liquid leak into my mug. Once it was done brewing, I sucked my coffee down within five minutes. It was strong, but it would wake me up. Putting the mug in my sink, I looked down and noticed I hadn't changed out of my Lucas clothes. I changed into a regular t-shirt and some basket ball shorts, throwing my Lucas clothes into a random drawer in my dresser. Changing made me think about my role as Lucas. My role as Lucas made me think about Rowan's role in the show playing Riley Matthews. And Rowan's role as Riley made me think about our big Rucas scene we have to rehearse in a few days and shoot later this week. It may seem crazy since she is only 14, but I like Rowan. I don't know why... maybe it's her beautiful brown eyes and long, dark hair... or her radiant smile...snap out of it! It's not like she likes me back or anything. Every time we rehearse it is just awkward between us. I don't know what to say, and she tries to make random conversation. She probably does it so I will feel comfortable. She probably notices that I'm nervous around her. But if one thing breaks my heart more than anything else, it's that she doesn't seem nervous around me.

I look over at the clock. It's 8:25. Dang it, I'm going to be late! I grabbed some shoes, ran out of my dressing room, and slammed the door shut as I sprint to the lounge. I open the door and enter, panting hard.

"Did we start yet?" I asked. "Are we live?"

"No, you're just on time." Sabrina says giggling. And then everyone bursts out laughing at my entrance. I can't help but start laughing myself. Then we all settle down and I sit down on the couch next to Rowan.

"Where were you?" She asked.

"Oh, I just lost track of time."

"Doing what?"

"Um I-I was just thinking... I guess..." My face was starting to get hot.

"Thinking about what?" I didn't know how I should respond to her. I didn't want to lie to her.

"Life," I responded cooly. Nailed it.

"So deep," She said with a giggle. I was hypnotized by her little chuckle and smile and I just sat staring at her while she stared back at me. I stare at her like this with her forever.

"Guys! Were live!" Corey snapped. I whipped around and looked at Sabrina's laptop which was recording Rowan and I. Thousands of fans just saw me staring at Rowan Blanchard.

Hey, guys! I just wanted to say that I'm sorry if I have confused any of you with my cover change. This book still has the same name but I decided to change the cover because the old one wasn't very high quality and I didn't like it that much😁 Thanks for reading!

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