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Rowan's POV

(Before the live chat)

I walked out of my dressing room and made my way over to the lounge. Sabrina is probably in there with Bradley. As I approached the door, I peeked inside. I was right. Bradley and Sabrina were sitting on the couch talking, laughing, looking real comfortable with each other. I sighed. I wish Peyton and I had that.

"It's Rowan!" I said as I walked in the room.

"Hey, Rowan!" Bradley greeted me with a warm smile.

"What's up?" Sabrina asked.

"Well..." I started to say. I was nervous. What if Sabrina isn't okay with this? " I really don't want to rehearse the Rucas with Peyton before scheduled rehearsal because it's always so awkward. I wondered if Bradley would mind rehearsing with me." I asked with pleading eyes.

"Of course I don't mind, let's rehearse in the morning." he said. "As long as that's fine with Sab."

"Yeah," she said. "It's fine with me."

"Great, thanks!" Now I don't have to rehearse with Peyton just yet. Phew! But who will he rehearse with?

"I've got to go." Bradley said before giving Sabrina a light kiss on her cheek. She blushed and looked up at him.

"Bye," she nearly whispered.

"Bye," he said with a smile. And with that, he left.

• • •

(Later at the live chat)

I sat staring into Peyton's mesmerizing green eyes. He was so, well, perfect. As perfect as anyone could be.

"Guys, we're live!" Corey interrupted us. I turned around to see that Sabrina's laptop was recording us. Wow. Thousands of people just saw me staring at Peyton Meyer.

"Well," Sabrina said, trying to break the silence, "We are the GMW cast here to answer your questions! Put on a pot of coffee because we are going to be here for a while." We all got out our phones and went on Twitter to find a question.

"Here is a good one!" Peyton said. "Name one thing you like about everyone. I will start. Corey is chill, Sabrina is outgoing, and Rowan is... Rowan is adorable." He said. I blushed and looked down to hide my face from the camera.

"Me now!" Sabrina said. "Corey is creative, Peyton is humble, and Rowan has a great sense of fashion."

"I will go next!" I said excitedly. "Corey is fun, Sabrina is fashionable," I winked, "and Peyton is sweet." I said looking up at him. He blushed and looked over at Corey. Wait a minute, he blushed! Why did he blush? Does he like me? Did my comment embarrass him? Why did he blush?

"Okay, my turn." Corey said. "Sabrina is fun, Peyton is chill," he said pointing at Peyton smirking, "And Rowan is photogenic."

We answered questions for hours and finally, we got to end the chat and leave. The chat was fun, but I was exhausted and decided to stay in my dressing room tonight. I had to get up early and rehearse with Bradley. So I stood up and started stumbling out the door when Peyton came over to me. He picked me up, cradling me in his arms like a baby.

"It's okay, princess. I've got you." He whispered in my ear. His warm breath in my ear shot a tingling sensation through my body. I rested my head against his chest and fell asleep in his arms.

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