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Peyton's POV (chapter 6)

"Rowan!" I yelled out. "Where are you going?" But she didn't answer. She took a sharp turn out of sight.

I sighed and looked around my dressing room. I guess I'm all alone until it's time for rehearsals later.

It really irks me that Rowan left. It's important that we rehearse before actual rehearsals so we won't completely mess up and make fools of ourselves. Did she have to be at home by a certain time last night and forget? Oh gosh, what if her parents are angry with her? What if they find out why she wasn't home last night? My heart rate began to quicken and my breaths got shorter. Oh lord, if her parents find out- why am I stressing? We didn't do anything bad. But they might assume.

Although, Rowan is smart. I'm sure she would come up with something. Knowing her, she would most likely say she stayed at Sabrina's. Bradley was there to pick Sabrina up, but her parents don't know that. I pulled out my phone to text Rowan, worried about our fate.

Me: Where did you go? Do you need a ride home?

I waited for several minutes, but there was no reply. I sighed and decided to walk around the building. Better than sitting in here all day. I stood up from my bed and walked over to my dresser. After kneeling down and whipping the bottom drawer open, I grabbed a pair of clean clothes to change into after freshening up.

After I showered, changed, and brushed my teeth, I stood in the bathroom mirror struggling with my hair. I had completely forgotten to bring a comb. And my hair was getting long. After running my fingers through it and making myself look as presentable as possible, I flashed my reflection a wide smile and winked. Not looking my hottest, I turned on my heel and pushed open the door.

The building really does seem like a maze when you don't know where you are going. During my first week on set, I got lost at least four times. One of which I was lucky to find Rowan strolling down the hall.


"You look lost," she said kindly. Her gorgeous eyes gazing softly into mine. And that's when it hit me. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever laid eyes on. And judging from the few chats we had this week, she certainly is one of the sweetest.

I tried to talk, but that was no good. I was rendered speechless.

"I...um...wow!" My face instantly turned red and I about smacked the palm of my hand onto my forehead. But she just giggled and took my hand.

"Come on. I'll show you the way to the set. We have to be there in five for a meeting. I assume that's where you're going anyways?" And with that, she pulled me to the set, her shiny brown hair bouncing around playfully as she lightly jogged.

Back to reality

That was by far one of my favorite memories from the show. The moment I realized that I liked Rowan Eleanor Blanchard. But then there was last night. Does she actually like me? If she didn't, she wouldn't have asked me to stay with her. But she was tired. She could have been completely delirious. I sighed at this thought as I pushed open the lounge door.

What I saw was a complete shock. I never would have seen this coming. It was Rowan.

And she was kissing Bradley.

Hey, guys! I'm sorry I haven't been updating regularly:( but thank you all soooo much for 1k views! I will TRY to update on Saturday😌

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