The First Kiss

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Marco's POV- While star was sleeping she mumbled something but I'm pretty sure she said "I-I love you Marco" so now I'm wondering if she like me or if I just heard her wrong....
Star had just woken up and she said "Oh, hey Marco! Aren't you supposed to be studying" I replied "Yeah but I had to take a break, I was getting so bored!" She sat up and looked at me then said "So do you want to hang out now?" I looked at the time and it was 6 O'clock so I said "Sure but it's gonna get dark soon" she smiled and said "Well that doesn't really matter, does it?" And I chuckled a tiny bit and said "I guess not"
We got up and went outside, Star started to run ahead so I followed her with a smile on my face, we went up and hill and saw a park bench. We stopped at the top of the hill and I said "I'll race you to the bench!" I started to run to it and she shouted to me "Oh, it's on Diaz!" She ran up beside me and tripped me up then started laughing and she said "Better luck next time!" I smirked and replied "I'm not done yet, Star!" I ran up behind her but she was slightly faster than me so I decided to Tackle-Hugged her onto the ground and then we both chuckles for a while, I was lying on top of her and we were both gazing into each other's eyes, staying silent apart from the sounds of us breathing, Star blushed a bit and as did I. The Sun was setting and the sky had turned into an orangey, pink colour, And urge came over me to just lean in and kiss her as i had a large crush on her but I had no idea if she felt the same way about me...and there was only one way to find out. I leant in, closing my eyes and I kissed her softly. To my surprise she kissed back but a bit rougher and soon we were locked in a passionate make out session as the sun started to disappear in the distance.

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