Chapter 5 - A friend in need, is a friend indeed

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Where was I? I didn't know, I didn't even care.

I had an urgent need to find an escape from my twisted fate and running as far away as I could was certainly helping me a little bit.

After walking down the streets for hours straight, not even slightly aware of my surroundings, my thoughts drifted to my parents. Hamilton was an evil man for threatening them every opportunity he had. My dad was the man i loved the most and my mother was the woman who talked to me about everything. I knew how they would be worried about me. It had been three days and there was no contact from my side at all. It was like I had disappeared off the face of the planet.

Tears were flowing down my cheeks as I walked. The people around me probably thought that I was crazy but at that point, I didn't care what they thought of me. My life was a horrible mess and I had every right to cry about it.

After a hours of walking, my legs began  to give up. That's when I actually saw where I had come. I was in a decent enough neighbourhood and the streets were fairly crowded. There was a Walmart at one corner and a cozy looking coffee shop across the road from me. 

I walked over to the coffee shop to find a seat and give my legs some rest. As i sat at a table in the corner of the shop away from all human eyes, I  felt someone's presence at my table. For a moment, I thought it was Hamilton who had tracked me down and was going to drag me back to his apartment to yell at me. But then he spoke. 

"Oye, that's my seat!" He called out from behind me. I hadn't turned around to see who it was in fear that it might be him.

"Uh, um I am sorry." I mumbled while standing up. I fixed my gaze on the floor, I was a little embarrassed.

When I looked up again after a few seconds, I saw a man standing in front of he. He had a smirk playing on his lips and his skin was pale -even paler than mine. He had lovely blonde curls which fell across his forehead in a disheveled way.  

He was tall too, but decently tall. Not as tall as the monster.

"Its OK! Please have a seat!" He smiled widely. "But i hope you don't mind having a cup of coffee with me!"

As he sat down, he motioned towards the seat across from him for me to sit down. He was smiling at me innocently, the corners of his baby pink lips tilting upwards a little bit. 

"I...I am sorry. I don't have any money on me. I just stopped here to sit down for a bit." I muttered. I hadn't been expecting to storm out of Hamilton's apartment like that. Even if I did, it wasn't like I had much money with me anyway. I could probably afford to buy half a bottle of water if anything at all. 

He looked at me and his green eyes shone brightly. "That's even better. Now I can buy you a cup!" He chirped, getting up and going back to the counter. I looked down, not believing that a guy wanted to buy me coffee. I finally sat own in the empty seat and waited for him to get back. He returned moments later holding a mug which he put in front of me. I looked everywhere but into his eyes, not knowing what to say. 

I belong to a stranger (PUBLISHING) Belong Book 1 - UneditedWhere stories live. Discover now