Chapter 26 - Ghost of Past

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Chapter 26 – Ghost of Past

My head was spinning so fast that I was surprised how I had not slipped into coma yet. Brother? What?! I remember how disgusted I had felt under his touch, and now I come to find out that he was actually family?

‘Rose, he is not your family’ My inner voice reminded me.

Standing there behind the two lions standing head to head snarling at each other, I could feel bad blood, thick bad blood running between them. Even as Hamilton said, “Stay away from my wife” I could see it affected Chris the least. There were very few people who weren’t scared out of their wits around Hamilton. Seemed like Hamilton had just found his match.

I had tried my level best to avoid a scene but people had started to look in our direction. Eventually, letting out a small laugh Chris turned around and left, not before winking in my direction.

Did he have a death wish?!


I clung on to Hamilton’s raged body trying hard to hold him back. I knew I didn’t have the power to the strength to hold him back if he wished to do something, but tried my level best. And it seemed to have worked. Hamilton slowly closed his eyes for moment, then turned to me and said, “I am sorry”

I looked at him in surprise. Why was he apologising? But I had no time to ask him any questions, he just grabbed my hand, not so gently this time and pulled me outside in the direction opposite Chris had walked.

Hours later, at home when I tried asking Hamilton again about what was going on, he ignored me yet again. All through the ride back home, he had been completely silent, lost in some deep thoughts. I had imagined this ride back home to be anything but this after what happened the last time we travelled in this very car. I tried pushing the question about Chris but he had just replied saying it was nothing I should worry about.

I couldn’t help but feel annoyed at his statement. What did he mean by nothing I should worry about? I was the one of the receiving end of Chris’s touch and now after finding out he was actually supposed to be my brother-in-law, it disgusted me to no ends. I had a very strong feeling that this was not a coincidence; Chris had been following us for a while now. Considering how he knew about what happened back in my hometown. Fear shuddered through my body.

Then I recollected how Chris looked, I couldn’t have been more surprised that the fact that they were brothers. Hamilton with his brown eyes and soft brown hair and tanned body had a warm look over him. Hamilton’s eyes were a doorway to his soul. Almost always I could find out what he was thinking or feeling just by looking into his eyes. There was something inviting and alluring about Hamilton. Other than his body you mean?

On the other hand, Chris had completely icy blue eyes void of any emotions. It was as though he felt and cared about nothing. With ivory black hair contrasting his eyes, he looked mysterious dark prince. Every part of him screamed cold, icy and deadly.  

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