Chapter 2: Meet Alisson

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Thank you very much for choosing to keep on reading, you're not going to regret it. As a writer I'm not looking for reads, I'm looking for readers. Don't be afraid to put my book in your library. Here's the second chap, enjoy it!

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I slowly opened my eyes realizing I was asleep. My vision was blurry and I had a massive headache.


I could see a girl standing there, but couldn't quite make up her face. She was looking at me. All I could see were her eyes. Big and green, imposible to miss. She began to get close to my face. I still couldn't see her very clearly but...

"Holyshit..." I whispered to myself.

"Wake up you idiot! What the hell were you thinking Danny?"

Of course it had to be her.

"Alisson you weren't even there." I quickly turned over in the bed so I wouldn't face her wrath, I felt her cold hand grip both parts of my cheek and her nails dig in a bit forcing me too look at her while she spoke.

This woman.

Meet Alisson Bosch.
She was the kind of girl you saw at Walgreens and smiled at you then left. Leaving you wondering if she was the love of you life. Alisson was not only beautiful but she was the most headstrong and clever human being I had ever met. Yes I was her friend.

Just her friend...

"God look at your face, I can't believe you let him do this to you. Here." She stated offering  me a pack of ice.

I was in the nursing office where Al volunteered. I remembered being carried here by the basketball coach bridal-style while he was screaming that I was going to die.


I must have fallen asleep as soon as they put me on the bed.

"I don't feel anything Al. It must be a little bruise. Can I leave now?"

"The only reason we let you fall asleep was because your ass broke the fall and not your head."

She was taking out some of her make up. A little make up was not gonna cover it.

She stuck it out in her hand offering me some of her makeup.

"Ehh Alisson, you know that's not how I roll."

She let out a snort followed by goofy laughter.

"Here look." She finally said.

She opened the pink powder.

Which is weird because, although she is really pale, she isn't  pink. I mean atleast her face is not pink. She would look rea..

"It's blush you dumbass. There's a mirror in it." She said as if she read my thoughts.

"I knew that."

I always considered Al like one of those amazing girls that are way out of my league. Guys only want her for sex, which I completely hate. Wanting a specific girl for sex seems horrible. Seems as they are looking for the right toy to have fun with. I wouldn't blame them. No, I'm not saying this because of how she dresses. Just because a girl is wearing tight clothes does not mean she wants sex. What I'm saying is that Alisson would still look hot as hell wearing a polo and regular jeans. It's like everybody...

"Danny why would I wear a polo and regular jeans?"

"Wait, what?" Did I just...

"You said..."
I laughed awkwardly. "Oh fuck me." I said pressing the ice packet hard on my face.

I'm as smooth as crunchy peanut butter.

"Actually here, right now wouldn't be a..." she said grinning like an evil queen.


So here's the thing, as you just noticed, I'm not good at anything that involves the other sex.

This wasn't the first time I had embarrassed myself in front of Allison... or any other girl. There was this one time I entered the girl's locker room by mistake and took a shower, it was sophomore year. To my luck it was the cheerleader's tryouts that afternoon, so after they ended a herd of girls came barging through the locker room while I was still singing naked in the shower. I remember this so vividly because it was like the herd of zombies from World War Z coming at me. It didn't help that they were screaming, then again so was I. So I did what any other seventeen year-old boy would do naked with a bunch of cheerleaders in a locker room.

I ran butt naked until I got to my locker and put some clothes on.

Pathetic. I know. But I didn't have a sticking body to show off.

This other time I went with a cute girl named Mercy to the school's homecoming dance. She had just broke up with her boyfriend and was desperate to find a date. Apparently the guy was jealous and still had some feelings, which made no sense because he broke up with her, so he put a pad in the back of my suit. Yes, a fucking pad. After an hour she went to "talk" to him so I was left alone while they went to make out in his truck. I had no idea what was happening, so I spent the rest of the dance getting weird looks and sitting alone watching my best friend and his girlfriend dancing while they constantly asked me if I was alright. To my luck they realized I had the thing in my back when we were about to leave. Let's just say, the whole dance was a bloody mess.

See what I did there?

And the stories go on like a never ending book.

Allison was still laughing. I was laughing too, not because of the conversation we just had but because of her laughter, which sounds more like a giraffe having an asthma attack, but I don't mind. I realized I was staring at her like a fool and finally spoke up.

"Um I'm gonna go to the bathroom so I can see myself better." I said.

"Oh. Are you sure? I didn't bandage it so it doesn't look so good. Nurse said it would be better to let it breath for a while."

"I'm okay Al, thanks."

"Are you sure you're okay? Did Morgan say something to you?" She asked obviously worried.

"Al I'm okay, I swear." I smiled trying to reassure her.

"Well if you say so, come back in two days to check it, make sure it doesn't leave a scar."

"Yeah wouldn't want my handsome face all messed up would we?" I said winking at her.

She laughs again.

Yes. Good one.

Although I don't know if she laughed at me because what I said wasn't  true or because I was trying to sound cocky.

Damn it.

I pushed the wooden door as soon as I could before I made an ever bigger fool out of myself.

It was already second period so I must have been out a while. There was nobody in the halls as I found my way to the bathrooms. Everyone was probably in their classrooms.

So long to my perfect first day as a senior.

When I finnaly got there I saw a kid I've never seen before washing his hands, probably a freshman. When he looked up at me his eyes widen in terror and he disappeared before I got a chance to ask him what was wrong. I stepped  infront of the mirror and finally got to look at my face.

Or what was my face.

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Hope you all enjoyed it. Just so you know I'm casting Dylan O'Brian as Dan cause I can, plus he is the only actor I would put as Dan in case I ever become famous and this becomes a fucking MOVIE! Sorry.

Lots of nerds for my 21st century bullies out there.

(Man hug or fist pump?)

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