Chapter 5: Sober

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"How much?"

"Dude what are you talking about?"

"How much did you fucking take Dan!?" Oh no, he's mad.

I'm with J in the car driving to his house. Or my house? I don't remember, all I know is that since we left the party he has been screaming and screaming and screaming and screa...

"Are you even listening!?"

"Urg! I didn't take anything J just leave me alone!"

"You obviously did. Why did you? I left for 15 minutes and you get all messed up? What is wrong with you? Lately you've not been yourself. You need to chill bro."

"No you need to chill J and leave me the fuck alone! Man, all you do is judge me, so just drop it! You know what? What if I wanted to chill? What if for once I wanted to feel like all the shit in this horrible life I have was just not there for at least 10 minutes? What is so wrong with wanting to be a normal teenager for once?"

"I'm not doing this dude, we'll talk when you're sober."

"No, stop the car." I said.


"Stop the car. I want to be alone."

"You've gotta be kidding me." He said while letting out a big breath.

"Just stop the fucking car!"

"Fine!" He said harshly hitting the brakes making me almost go through the window. "Get out!"

"I am."

So I did. I got out and walked nowhere.

We didn't get far from the house so I was walking alone through the neighborhood. People from the party drove through, some screamed through the windows, others threw their red cups at me.

Let's just say it's been a shitty night, at least my head is a little clear. I don't feel slow, just a little drunk. My bones were still tingling and I was trying to walk in a sraight line. I know it was probably stupid to get out of the car, but I was done hearing J. All he does is tell me all the shit I already know and somehow he thinks he is helping. He can't help me. At least not tonight. God! I don't even have his last name; how could he do this mom? I'm not talking about my best friend anymore. I'm doing it again, I always end up thinking about the asshole every time I'm left alone. Then again it's not like I would've wanted him here. I prefer being that kid whose mom...

I heard a car and turned around towards it. I instantly knew whose car it was. It was Alisson's.

She slowed down next to me and lowered the window so she could speak to me.

"Get in."

"You want full service or just a..." I tried to say wiggling my eyebrows but she interrupted.

"Just get in Danny." she said smiling.

I jumped inside the car though the window hoping to look awesome, but all I did was get stuck between the window and were it closes at the end.

"I thought... It was... oh god."

"Completely opened?" She asked laughing.

" hurts." It did, it felt like I was being cut in half.

"You're such a dork." After she said that she finished opening the window so I could fall through.

"Sorry about that." I said. This is the third most humiliating thing to ever happen to me in front of her. The second was that thing at the nursing office and the first well, I must have said some very interesting things at the party that were probably going to rank number one on the humiliation list.

"Are you gonna tell me what you were thinking."

"I was thinking that the window was fully opened."

"I meant at the party."

"You're always asking me the same question."

"Well you're always trying crazy shit and I'm always there wondering the same damn question." she said looking down at the rode.

"Look Al I wasn't."

"Okay, look we'll talk later. Eat the banana and drink the water" she said pointing me towards them and I let out a breath.

She gets it. She gets that I simply don't want to talk about it right now.

"Why did J leave you on the road?" She asked after five minutes of silence. It wasn't and awkward silence, it was quite comforting.

"I yelled at him and told him to leave me"

"Look Danny, he's your best friend. Whatever you two were fighting about, remember he is just worried. You would be too if you were in his place." I didn't think about it like that until she said it. She was right, I had been a complete major asshole.

"I don't think he left you on the road alone though, check your phone."

When I did I saw he had turned on the Locations on my phone.

"When did I download life 360?" I asked her.

"Told you."

"He is fucking tracking me?" That lil...

"Well he did leave you alone drunk and all high on the road, at least he was responsible about it."

God I owe the son of a bitch an apology. He probably hates me right now.

I realized we passed my house and we were now a few blocks away.

"Al we missed my house."

"I know. I'm staying at moms."


"And... there is no way I'm gonna let your mom see you like this."

She wants me to stay with her?

"Of course you will sleep on the couch and all." She said as if it was obvious.

"Yeah duh." Damn it.

But who cares?

I Daniel Ortiz was going to spend the night at Alisson Bosch's house.

* * * * *

There it is guys! Hope you enjoyed it, this story means everything so keep on reading and EATING YOUR VEGETALES! I will update soon. Love you guys

Lots of nerds for all the bullies out there,


(McDonalds of BK?)

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