Chapter 8: No Right

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Everything in life is unexpected. I learned that the hard way. We think we know people, but we don't. Expectations have a way of twisting our minds into believing we know a person. It's exactly as many say; "No expectations, no disappointments." But we can't help it, can we? An innocent mind always sees the good in people.

I don't blame myself or anyone else for how my world came crashing down for something so simple.

A mistake.

People have a right to them. Without mistakes, how are we going to learn the difference between right and wrong?

But I didn't. I didn't have a right to make a mistake. I didn't have a right to be sorry. I didn't have a right to regret. They took it from me.

The only right that was given to me was the right to "live" with it.

To "deal" with it.


I went to J's house the next day. He hadn't picked up any of my calls or answered any messages. When I was at the front door I knew that after this everything would be the way it was, the way it supposed to be. The way it always has been. To say I was anxious and completely humiliated to apologize to him was an understatement. We had never been through such a horrible fight. I was truly sorry.

After a few agonizing minutes, the door opened.

It wasn't him. I figured it was his dad. I've never seen him before. Only J's mom. She was very fond of me. I think her name was Sarah, I didn't spend enough time in J's house to establish a relationship with her. I only knew of her and she knew of me. She knew that I was her son's bestfriend. I was dumbfounded when I saw his dad, whom he never spoke of, for the first time. I knew this of course, because I realized my bestfriend looked faultlessly like his father.

The first thing that came out of his mouth was the worst thing I wanted to hear him say.

"Get out."

Plain and simple. He didn't even let me speak. He left me wondering if he even knew who I was.

"I don't want you anywhere near my son. You hear me? I will not tolerate your kind of behavior around him."

That answered my question. He knew exacly who I was.

"Sir, I'm Daniel. I'm very sorr-"

"I said get out."

My chest began to rise and fall quickly. I knew I was desperate to apologize to J, but I was aware that this man was not going to let me do that. So I did. I got out of there. I left, that man had made up his mind about me. There was nothing I could do.

I found myself thinking how his dad's words were the exact ones I last heard from him. 

Get out.

Life has a funny way of messing with your head.

On my way home again, I kept repeating what happened in my head. I thought of all the ways I could've  stood up for myself. I couldn't help but blame J. He was the one with the idea of attending that party.  Needless to say that thought left as soon as I realized I could have controlled myself. J just wanted to have a good time. It was my fault.

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