Chapter 9

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A/N: I know its really short and i do apologise, but i figured since you've all been waiting for an update for so long i would give you what i already have for you while i continue writing more. Hopefully I have something for you soon! 

- Katie

Adam froze on the stairs, turning to face me. Oh God, I shouldn't have said anything. He just wants to go home, he doesn't want to stay here, why would he? This is just some snobby posh house compared to his home. God, so stupid Kara. I stand there, feeling stupid and awkward, waiting for him to say something, anything.

“What?” Adam finally asks, looking down at me from a few steps up. I don't know what to say, do I take back my offer? I finally say “you and Jackie can just stay the night if you want.. Jackie's fast asleep upstairs, and I mean, you didn't get the electric so it could get quite cold. We have enough space for you both to stay here if you want. I'm not forcing you or anyth-”

“Kara, you're rambling.” Adam interrupts me, chuckling at my awkwardness. I give him a slight smile. “We can stay, if that's no issue for you.” He says, looking at the floor as if ashamed of his answer. “It's no issue at all, I'll set up one of the spare rooms.” I say, walking past Adam and heading towards the supply closet where we keep all the spare sheets.

“Do you mind sharing a bed with Jackie? We only have double bedded rooms.” I trail off with my words, turning around to realise Adam hasn't moved, he's still standing on the stairs, just watching me. “Adam?”

He's silent for a few seconds, still just staring at me. Then suddenly he blurts out “why are you being so nice to me?” I'm stunned by this, shocked at his words. I've seen him around college with his friends, they all seem pretty nice, so it can't be from a lack of nice gestures. Is it me? Does he think I'm not a nice person? Is that really how he sees me? “What?” I say, a faint whisper, sounding almost pathetic. I clear my throat, trying again. “What?” I repeat, this time louder and much more clear.

“Until last week you never even acknowledged my existence and now you're helping me, I don't understand it.” I'm shocked, I wasn't expecting that. "Oh.. I-I um, I guess it's just.. With everything that happened with Blade, you're someone who was actually nice enough to talk to me, even though you didn't know me.. I just thought.. I thought we were becoming friends.” I say, starting clear but almost mumbling by the end of my reply.

“Oh, no no no no no no no!” Adam says, running up the remaining steps and rushing towards me, throwing words out of his mouth as fast as he can. “Of course we're friends Kara, you're actually becoming a really close friend really quickly.” He says, sighing loudly, holding my shoulders and looking me in the eyes to make his point clear. His eyes are a deep shade of hazel and the light seems to be shining on him perfectly, making it look like there's a slight glint in his eyes. I realise I'm staring and slowly nod, showing him I understand. Stop being ridiculous Kara, you're making a fool of yourself.

I cough, looking to the ground and clearing my throat. “Um, I'll just get the sheets for the bed. If you go down the hall a little, the first door on the left is my room. Jackie should be asleep on my bed, if you go and pick her up I'll show you to one of the spare rooms.” Stepping backwards, I make some space between Adam and I, realising how close we were standing. Adam nods, turning towards my room and walking in that direction. I quickly grab some sheets and also head towards my room. Stopping in the door way, I watch as Adam tries to carefully lift Jackie from my bed in her sleeping state. He struggles for a second before standing upright, placing her arms around his neck for support. Adam looks up, seeing me standing in the doorway and gives me a slight smile. I smile back before turning around and heading towards one of the spare rooms down the hall.

The closest spare room is facing Alex's room. I quickly head inside, placing the sheets on the bed. I turn around once I'm finished and jump, holding back a startled scream. Adam is standing there, waiting patiently with Jackie in his arms. Taking a deep breath I say "you can place Jackie down now." I step away from the bed, watching as he gently places her down, pulling the covers over her small frame and tucking her in. He leans down, placing a light kiss on her forehead as she breathes deeply in her sleep. Adam then stands upright, looking straight at me. 

"Let's go downstairs" I say, "I'll see if there's any leftovers or something you can have to eat. I'm sure theres something on TV we can watch." He nods and we both leave the room, heading back downstairs. 

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