Chapter 4

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Once we were back in the car, Julia turned to me - I could still see the excitement from seeing Adam dancing in her eyes - "So, we never actually finished talking. You were saying something about a maid?" I kind of hoped she wouldn't realise we'd stopped talking about my living arrangements. I just stare at her for a moment, trying to think of what to say. I start to realise something, Julia and Alex look very alike. I've never really noticed it before, but the dark brown hair with the bright blue eyes. It's just so similar. Even their facial features are very similar, apart from Julia's being more feminine. So that's what I say, it's the best I could come up with to change the subject. 

"You and Alex look really alike; I've never really noticed it before." I say, still looking at her. She frowns at first, obviously realising the change in subject, but then just smiles.

"Well, we are twins. I wouldn't be surprised." She's holding back laughter, I can tell. That's when I realise I really don't know that much about the people I'm living with. Actually, I know nothing about them. I don't know their age, what they're like, hell, for all I know they didn't even live in London before yesterday. 

"Huh, I didn't know that. I actually don't know much about you guys. I'm thinking, we should all sit down together and talk, maybe. It would be nice to know something about the people I'm living with." I've turned around now, and I stare out the window as the scenery goes by. I didn't even notice Julia had started the car, when did that happen? 

"Yeah! That would be good. I'm sure Mum would be happy with that too, she'll probably be home by now. Alex should be on his way home by now too. We can all sit down together or something." Julia sounds very excited about this, I'm not quite sure why. It's not like she'll learn much from me, and well, she already knows Alex and Sarah. 

I don't reply, instead just listen to the music. Soon, we're pulling up at my house. Alex's car is in the drive, along with Sarah's. It's starting to sink in that I should probably get my license. I mean, I turned 17 almost a year ago now, and I still haven't had one driving lesson. I was so used to Blade driving me everywhere that I never even thought about a license. Silly me, thinking Blade and I would be together forever. 

Julia runs ahead of me towards the house. "Julia, you forgot to lock the car!" I shout over to her, she stops dead in her tracks, turns around fiddling with her keys before I hear the car automatically lock, then in the blink of an eye, she's inside. She's so full of excitement, it's crazy. I walk into the house and head towards the voices in the living room.

I stand in the doorway for a second and take everything in. They're like a real family, huddling up together on one sofa watching the TV. I'm not quite sure why they're all on one sofa, there's another sofa there, and an armchair as well. When they sit there together, I see what I've missed in the last 4 years. I see Sarah, with her dark brown hair too, talking with Julia - probably about Adam - while Alex just watches TV. I don't realise I'm crying until I feel a tear drop off my chin onto my arm. I want that. I want a family. I want my Mum and Dad back. I run upstairs before anyone can notice I'm crying, locking the bedroom door behind. I just sit by my window, knees drawn up with my arms wrapped around them, and cry. I cry for my Dad, I cry for my Mum, I cry for Blade. I'm losing everyone. Slowly but surely, everyone leaves. 

I don't know how long I cry for, but soon I hear a knock on my bedroom door. "Kara? Is everything OK?" It's Sarah. I don't want her to worry, so I say I'm fine, and that I'll be downstairs in a few minutes. I hear her go back downstairs so I get up, unlock my door, and head to the bathroom. I knock on the door before entering - Don't want a replay of this morning - then I head straight to the sink. While running the tap, I look at my reflection in the mirror above. My eyes are swollen, and my cheeks are pink and blotchy. You would take one look at me and know I've been crying. I wipe my face with cold water, hoping that will lessen the swelling, and wipe away all the smudged make up. I look a little better now, my face isn't as pink and the swelling has gone down. I brush my teeth, hoping to pass a little time so the swelling can go down a little more before heading downstairs.

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