Chapter 11

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Sorry it's been ages!


Julia was taking ages to get back so I went to see what was taking so long, as I got closer to the door I heard Adam say "Tell Kara I said thanks for last night and I'll pick her up on Monday" I see Julia leaning against the door frame, pushing her chest forward as if trying to be alluring. "I will, see ya!" Julia replied with a slight giggle as if a flirtatious tone. I walked back into the kitchen and sat down to start eating. Julia came in a couple minutes later and just sat and ate. Not a word about what Adam had said.

"So were you going to tell me?" I asked in a montone voice. "I-uh-" she stammered. "I don't care if you want to flirt with him, he's just a friend, all I ask is that I get my messages" I said. She smirks "So you wouldn't mind if I asked him out?" she asks, almost proud. "Why would I?" I reply quickly, but why did it hurt a little to think about it?


The rest of the weekend, I pretty much stayed in my room, watching reruns of How I Met Your Mother and Friends. The only time I really left my room was to use the bathroom and to get food from the kitchen. I could tell from the looks Sarah was giving me that she was worried, but I just told her that I was fine and I just wanted to be left on my own for a while.

I think she thinks I'm depressed about Blade, I guess you could say I'm upset, angry and just all around tired of that situation, but not depressed. What I was actually thinking about for the whole weekend was Adam and Alex, Alex's reaction to Adam just being in the house, and whether Adam was okay with Jackie. I mean without his father in the picture and his mother being passed away, it was basically just him and Jackie. That's gotta be tough. I guess you could say I was avoiding Alex and his drastic mood swings. 

Monday morning, Adam stayed true to his word and picked me up on time for college.

"Hey" I said quickly as I jumped into the car, buckling my seatbelt as he drove away from the 'perfect looking' house. "Hey, you alright?" He replied with a slight grin on his face. "What's with the grin?" I asked, his grin becoming slightly contagious. "Oh, Nothing, Just your hair is kinda all over the place." I rushed to see what my hair was like from the mirror above the seat of the car.

"Shit." I mumbled, running my fingers through the tangles in my hair. I knew I should have woken up earlier. Surprisingly Julia didn't wake me up at a ridiculous time this morning. Huh, maybe she's actually learning how to take other people into consideration.. "Thanks.. For telling me." I stated once my hair was finally tamed. "Anytime." He relied, "I-I wanted to say thanks again for what you did the other day, letting me and Jackie stay the night, you really didn't have to." I nodded as a reply, not really knowing what to say, it's not like I can say 'anytime, you're always welcome' that would just make things awkward.

The rest of the journey to college was silent, for which I'm grateful. The silence wasn't awkward or uncomfortable, in fact, it was nice. I haven't really felt comfortable in silence with anyone other than Blade, but that's only because I'd known him for so long.

Once we arrived onto the college grounds, I started getting nervous. I'm not even completely sure why. I mean it's not like I'm even going to talk to anyone, just going to walk alongside Adam to the art classroom. We casually got out of the car walking towards the entrance, Adam must have noticed something was wrong because he asked me if I was okay. I just nodded as a response, letting go of the breath I was holding. Everything will be fine, Adam's with you.

Once we arrived at the art classroom, our teacher was already there taking the register. Scumbag stood up "Hey, Kara. Missed you at Blades' party over the weekend, load of chicks, but you weren't one of them" I scrunched my face up in disgusted, not even giving him a response. The teacher turned as the class snickered, "Angus Taylor, sit down and be quiet this instant!" she demanded, calling scumbag by his full name. 

The class bealted with laughter, seemingly forgotten his half-hearted comments after hearing his full name. "Yo! Taylor, just sit down man" one of the other fotball players said. Trying to get others to think of him as just Taylor instead of Angus. After everyone settled down and started doing their artwork the teacher went to do who knows what. Art went surprisingly fast, because everyone was busy concentrating on their final project. 

I focus completely on my work the whole lesson, Adam offered for me sit with him and his friends today, but I declined. I need to make sure I finish this project on time, and if I sit with people theres a likely chance someone will distract me. I just need to keep to myself. 

I was so occupied by my work that I didn't hear the bell go for break, or hear everyone else get up and leave. I didn't break my concentration until I felt a tap on the shoulder. I didn't stop doing my work just made a mumbling sound that was supposed to be a yes? I heard a chuckle before Adam's deep voice could be heard, saying "You know it's break right? You can stop for a bit before we start up again.. We have art all day today." I freeze in my movements, keeping the charcoal hovering over the paper, and turn to face Adam. 

I didn't realise how close he had been standing to me by his voice, but turning around left me face to face, with only two inches at the most between us. "I-I think I'm going to stay here" I stammered out. Oh God, why did I stammer? He starts to smirk, he definitely noticed the stammer. "Alright, but you need to eat something. Having you rush into my car this morning makes me think you probably haven't had breakfast, right?" I can only shake my head as a response, he still hasn't moved. I can't help but keep staring into his deep green eyes, and the slash of freckles he has fanning across his nose. "I'll bring you back some pizza" Adam says, bringing me back to focus. I must have been staring at him like a fool. "Okay, thanks Adam" I say, giving him a smile, hoping it doesn't come off too big or cheesy. He smiles back and turns around, walking out of the classroom. 

I give myself a few minutes, realising a sigh I never realised I was holding back. Shaking my head at myself, i turn back to my work and re-focus. Again, I didn't notice the bell ring, or hear people start to come back to lessons. I'm jolted out of concentration by a slice of pizza and a bottle of diet coke being placed on the table right next to my work. I didn't realise just how hungry I was until I saw the pizza. I look up to Adam, smile my thanks and demolish the pizza in minutes. While eating the pizza Adam smiles and walks back towards his stuff, left behind while he went for break. 

I start doing my work again, only to realise someone's stuff is being placed on the floor next to me, and the chair is being pulled out. I look up and see Adam is sitting himself down next to me. Before I even have a chance to talk he says "don't worry, I wont distract you. We can just sit in silence, if that's okay of course?" questioning his movements by the time he's finished. I smile, before responding "it's fine, I can handle sitting in silence."

We work in silence for the rest of the lesson, just doing our work and finishing off the planned sketches before we put them onto a large canvas. I didn't realise until the end of the lesson that Alex hadn't shown up. I felt like I should figure out where he is, but also felt like I shouldn't be wasting my time. He's been avoiding me ever since Adam came round, why should I be wasting my time worrying about him when he doesn't even want to talk to me?

Me and Adam both pack up our stuff at the end of the lesson. "I'll drop you home if you want? I've got work so I have to be quick." Adam says, taking my stuff from my hand without giving me a chance to refuse. "I was actually going to ask you about work. I was thinking it's about time I got a job." As soon as I said it Adam's face brought on a look of confusion. I knew exactly what he was thinking why does she need a job, her house is huge and her mum is loaded! "I want to earn my own money, not live off a woman who isn't around. Do you think you could ask if there's any jobs going?" I ask, placing a smile on my face as I explain. He smiles then, "How about instead of me asking, I take you in and you ask yourself?" His smile has turned into a smirk by the end of his response. 

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