Chapter 5

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After getting home last night, I didn't really do much. I couldn't sleep, but I just lay in bed all night waiting for it to happen. I finally fell asleep at around 4am, which explains why I'm so pissed about being woken up at 8 o'clock to the horrifying sound of Justin Bieber being played from somewhere within the place I call home.

I jump out of bed too quickly, the blood rushing to my head making me feel dizzy, and my vision becoming blurry. I freeze, waiting for my sight to regulate, before storming out of my room, following the sound of music. When I reach Julia's bedroom door, I know I'm ready to go crazy. I lift my hand, ready to pound down the door, when someone grabs my wrist. I turn around to see Alex, still half asleep with crazy bed head, looking both angry and terrified at the same time.

"I wouldn't if I were you. She may be the bubbly excited girl whenever you've seen her, but not in the morning - if you disrupt her while she's getting ready, she'll go nuts. I'm pretty sure she hasn't had any coffee yet, and she really isn't a morning person." Alex says. I can tell he really wants to be pounding down that door just as much as me, but he seems almost scared of his twin sister; I'm guessing his warning comes from experience.

I remove my wrist from his grasp, turn around and march back to my room; mumbling a line of swear words Sarah would not be pleased with. Once in my room, I slam the bedroom door and get back into bed. I try to fall back to sleep, but I can't. I get back out of bed and storm to the bathroom. While in there, the music stops. I sigh with relief. After cleaning myself up a little, I head downstairs. Once I enter the kitchen I see a smiling Julia, drinking coffee, while Sarah and Alex both sit at the table looking rather grumpy and tired. A slight smile tugs at my lips - I figured they would be used to something like this by the way Alex talked about it.

"Julia," I start, Alex starts to shake his head, as if telling me to stop right there. I'm not bothered though; this is my house - not theirs. "What did I tell you yesterday while we were at lunch?"

She looks startled at first, before a look of thought crosses her face. "Um, was it the thing about your Mum?" She questions, I shake my head; no. "Oh. Um, I don't remember." She frowns.

"I said, and I quote 'I sleep late on weekends, and most weekdays really.' Do you remember that?"

"Oh. Yeah, I remember that. Huh, it's really early for someone who sleeps late. Funny that; what happened?"

"What happened? You're asking me what happened? You're blaring Justin freaking Bieber at 8 o'clock in the morning is what happened!" I shout at her. I try to calm down, taking deep breaths while clenching and unclenching my fists.

"Oh calm down Kara, it wasn't that loud." Julia rolls her eyes, as if I'm over exaggerating.

"Are you se-"

"Alright Kara, I'll sort it. Just sit down; I'll make you some breakfast in a second." Sarah's surprisingly calm voice says from beside me. I just nod while sitting down. I see Alex silently laughing, as if this is the funniest thing he's seen in days. "Julia, honey, we're not in our home anymore. I know you're used to listening to your music in the morning while you get ready, but Kara isn't. Maybe if you just turn it down a little, everyone will be happy. Alright?"

"What? Are you serious? Mum! It wasn't even that loud!" I go to stand up ready to voice my opinion, when Alex grabs my elbow, keeping me down. "Whatever, I'm going to college. Sorry Kara." is all Julia says before storming out of the house.

"Well, that's one way to start the day." Sarah says laughter in her voice. "What would you like for breakfast?"

Multiple cups of coffee and a few hours later, Alex and I are walking out the front door, shouting goodbye as we go. Once in the car, I realise the situation. It's just me and Alex. Sitting alone with Alex brings back the awkward incident in the bathroom yesterday. Just thinking about it makes the heat rise to my cheeks.

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