Chapter 2

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After I hung up my phone an threw it across the room my dad came in. 

"Hey," he said carefully. "You okay?"

"Yes," I lied.

"You sure?" He asked which REALLY got on my nerves.

"YES," I answered. "I just want to be alone."

As he left the room I feel horrible. I was taking out my anger on my dad who knew more about heart break then anyone else I know. My mom left him when I was two so it was just me and him. I still hear him cry at night. I was too young at the time to know she wasn't coming back so when I asked the question: "when is mommy coming home?" I broke him down more.


That morning I went to the little beach at the coast. Where I live the number one thing you see is ocean. 

"Don't leave your shoes lying around!" a mother scolded her three children. One day they would wish they had listened.

My mom scolded me like that once...when she was alive. I miss her more than I would like to admit.

I just into the cool water, breaking the glassy surface, and sinking into darkness. I dived back up to the surface for air, bubbles popped to the surface with me. I drifted on my back on the waveless water, creating a ripple through the clearness. I imagine it's just me, the water, and the clear sky. 

I let my worries and terrible thoughts sink to the bottom of the water.  I could stay like this forever...but that can't be. I have to face the truth, no matter how heart breaking it is, and take the pain like a champ.

I sponge in the last of the amazing enjoyment of not having to worry and swim to shore.

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