Chapter 3

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I dreaded this moment from the minute I through my phone at my wall. And was here.

"Hey loser!" Opal screeched at me as soon as I walk through the school entrance into the main hall.

Randy had his arm around her.... I winced. I thought he was different. I thought if it ended it wouldn't end like...this.

I turned into room 15, my chemistry class, and sat at my seat wishing for some kind of miracle to get me out of here.

Guess whose in my chemistry class? Randy. Guess where he sits? Behind me. Guess how that makes me feel? Like i could hit my head on the table till I knock myself out.

I could feel his eyes burning a whole in my head. My heart fluttered like the day we met. Ugh... why does my heart say your still in love why my head says why would you love that jerk?

"Good morning class," our balding, grey haired, pale like death, plaid wearing chem teacher Mr. Patter.  "We have a new student."

A boy with shagging black hair, tan skin, and grass colored eyes stepped to the front of the class. He was dressed in a fancy suit like he was going to court but something in his eyes told you he was probably on trial.

I looked around and saw most of the girls around the room sighing. Bleh! I hope these girls don't fall to hard or they would end up heart me.

Our eyes connected and I..I think I saw him blush!?!?!? Ugh! Don't even think about it heart!

"Hi," he said followed by more sighs. "My name is Clinton."

Even his name is fancy, I thought to myself.

He returned to his seat on the other side of the classroom, all eyes on him. With that our chemistry class began.

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