Chapter 5

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My best and only friend Emily was calling me. We have no classes together so after school we call each other and talk while we do home work.

"Hey Amanda," Emily said through the phone. " I heard what happened with you and Randy this week."

"So..." I said. "I think that he's such a jerk that I'll be over him in a few days."

"Good," Emily sighed with relief. "I didn't want to here all about how heartbroken you are over HIM."

"Neither do I," I agreed.

"DID YOU SEE THE NEW BOY???!?!" Emily screamed through the phone.

"Can you please scream that again," I said sarcastically. "I don't think my ear is bleeding enough."

"Haha," Emily teased. "He is so cute!!!!!"

"Every girl in our school agrees," I pointed out. "He is all they talked about today."

"Whatever," Emily said, pushing away what I had said. "I really like him!"

"What?" I asked in a joking tone. "Did he say hi to you or something?"

"Stop it," I could tell she was smiling.

It went like that for another half an hour and then I had to hang up so I can do homework.

The image of the fancy new boy flashed in my mind. 

He was blushing when he looked at me!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not a love story (Not finished)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum