Chapter 7

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When I got home that day the first thing I did was call Emily.

"OMG," was the first thing I said into the phone.

"Let me guess," Emily said. "Some boy asked you out on a date...and it was the new guy."

She sounded heart broken.

"Em, it's nothing like that," I said trying to be convincing. "He just wants me to be his friend. He said so himself."

"Okay..." Emily answered.

"Hey!" I said excitedly as an idea came to my head. "Why don't you come with me?!"

"Really!?!?!?" Emily asked hopefully.

"YEAH!" I answered. "What if he's a murder or a super creepy guy?"

"Good point," Emily laughed. "Text me when it's time to go."

"Cool! See you then!"

"Night Am."

"Night Em."

I hung up my phone.

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