Chapter 2: (Nightmares)

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Harry was getting closer...

You could see his bright green eyes flashing in the last bit of sunlight as it set.

His cheekbones visible and then he smiled.

And if you knew Hermione, Harry's smile always made her smile.

But Harry gave Hermione a look of horror when she smiled back at him.

"You're not Ginny," Harry said, his smile fading.

Those words stung Hermione.

"Yeah, I'm not," she said, her smile fading too.

"Ginny's much more beautiful than you," Harry said, in a loathing tone, "her hair's soft and I can run my fingers through it easily, plus she's funny and sporty, and I don't forget she's nice and pretty, she's everything I want."

Hermione seemed to be stuck in the ground, she couldn't move.

"I love her," Harry said, beaming, "I really do, I want to tell her, but I doubt she loves me back."

Harry's words were hitting Hermione like ice cold spears.

The next second, Ginny came floating into view and stopped beside Harry.

"Harry," Ginny said passionately, as she stroked his cheek, "Harry..."

"Ginny, I love you!" Harry exclaimed, his eyes turning red.

"I love you too," Ginny replied, smiling, her eyes turning red.

But their eye color was blood red, no longer their usual color.

Harry slammed his lips onto Ginny's. They kissed passionately.

Hermione felt as if the world were crumbling down.

"Stop!" Hermione finally shouted, "stop it now!"

She tried to move but she noticed she was sinking into the grass.

"Help- me!" Hermione screamed, struggling, "help!"

Harry and Ginny broke apart, their eyes shining blood red.

"Goodbye Hermione," Harry said, smirking. He and Ginny gave a loud barking laugh as Hermione was sinking further and further into the ground.

Finally the ground snapped.

Hermione was falling, falling, and falling...


Hermione awoke covered in sweat and was panting.

She looked around and sighed deeply.

It was just a dream, she thought.

Her stomach growled loudly.

Woah, I'm hungry, Hermione thought, that's because I didn't have any dinner, I'll just have to wait until morning.

Hermione glanced at the clock, it read 2:30pm.

Great, just six more hours.

Hermione's stomach made a loud growling noise again.

Nope, I'm starving, I need some food.

Hermione spotted Ginny, who was fast asleep.

Hermione quickly and quietly got up from her bed, careful not to wake Ginny, and tip-toed to the door, she quietly opened it, and then closed it.

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