Chapter 5: (Occurrences)

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It was the burning sun that woke Hermione up.

She groaned and pulled her pillow over her head.

Her clock ticked and she groaned again, she peaked her eyes open and glanced at the clock.

It read 8:34pm.

Hermione signed and got herself up, she tumbled to the bathroom, trying not to wake Parvati and Lavender.

She was half asleep as she showered a hot shower, combed through her wet bushy brown curls and tied half of it back, then putting her her robes on too.

Hermione yawned as she rubbed her eyes, she was used to waking up way later than this during the summer.

She opened the bathroom door to go through her dorm and saw that Parvati and Lavender had woken up too.

"'Morning," Hermione yawned, walking past them.

"'Morning," they both said in unison, Parvati slowly braiding her long hair that touched her lower back and Lavender putting her purple eyeshadow on.

Hermione walked down the stairs (and almost fell) to reach the common room.

Hermione's eyes were so tired, she needed to close them, maybe for just a second.

She closed her eyes to rest for a second and then she collapsed on the common room couch, not really knowing that she did.

Then a exasperated gasp made her eyes tear open again, she looked over to her right to see someone waking up.

As her dozing eyes rested on the person she woke up, she focused on the thick, messy black hair, then her vision started to sharpen. The piercing green, and then his scent of spearmint hit her too.

She had woken up Harry. Only he was missing his glasses.

Not only woken him up, but literally collapsed on him.

"Hermione?" His scratchy voice whispered, "is that you? I can't see well..."

Harry grabbed a hand out for his glasses on the table. Hermione had to tear her eyes off his face, which was lightened from the glowing orange morning sun. Harry unfolded his glasses and put them on.

"Yeah, it's me," Hermione replied, reddening in the face, "I'm sorry I woke you up Harry, I didn't see you there."

"It's fine," Harry replied, sitting up, "if you didn't, I would be late for class, so you sort of did me a favor there."

Hermione laughed a bit, "then you're welcome," she paused and noted the awkward air, "so how come you slept in the common room?"

Harry's smile slightly faded, the corners of his mouth dropped, "well, Seamus and Dean had a row with Ron, and it didn't end very well, so me and him slept here last night."

"Ron? Where is he?" Hermione asked.

Harry was about to answer when a loud bang was heard near them, by the window couch.

"Well, there he is now," Harry replied, grinning. Hermione glanced at him as he smiled, past his glasses his green eyes shined brighter than they had done in a while...

And just when Hermione moved her eyes down to his jaw, Harry turned and looked to face Hermione. She felt her face burn red as she quickly looked the other direction.

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