Chapter 4: (Back Home)

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Hermione looked hopelessly into the mirror.

"Are you serious?" She muttered, irritated to herself, trying to brush her hopeless hair.

She had tried for about half an hour to maybe brush her hair flat, having asked Ginny at first if she had a straightener, but surprisingly and not so surprisingly, Ginny didn't have one.

Because she's miss perfect, and her hair's naturally gorgeous, Hermione thought to herself, rolling her eyes.

Today was the day that they would be getting back to Hogwarts...

And Hermione seemed to be hating (well, getting more jealous of) Ginny more each day.

Hermione dragged her heavy trunk, which was filled with books, down the train hall into the compartment Ron and Harry had chosen.

Hermione grunted under her breathe, all her books in one trunk was too much, she should have used two trunks.

"Are you struggling?" Harry asked, from his seat as Hermione struggled to put her trunk up.

Hermione felt her face light up, Harry's voice had thrown her off.

"Er-" Hermione stuttered, but the trunk took her strength.

Her arms gave weakness and her trunk collided to the floor, tearing open and spilling books everywhere.

Ron barked out laughing while Harry chuckled.

Hermione felt her face burn red with embarrassment.

"Books? Really Hermione, fucking books?" Ron exclaimed, laughing so hard, tears were in his eyes.

"Well, yes," Hermione replied, laughing a bit but still really embarrassed.

Hermione remembered why she had dropped her trunk in the first place, it was hearing Harry's voice. Every time he seemed to talk or even look at her, Hermione would get all jittery and flustered, the feeling of butterflies in her stomach.

Hermione glanced over at Harry and realized he wasn't there, she looked around the compartment and realized he was on the floor, putting her books back in her trunk for her.

"No- Harry-" Hermione started, blushing, "it's fine- I've got it-"

But Harry had already put the last book in the trunk for her, he smiled.

"Yeah, because you totally had it together when you let your trunk fall on you," Harry replied, laughing.

Harry started to rise the trunk up, but Hermione tried to grab it from him.

"Nope," Harry said, grinning and shaking his head, "it's okay, I've got it," he lifted the trunk and put it safely up the shelf.

"Besides," Harry began, grinning and turning to look at Hermione, eyes bright, "you're short, so you wouldn't reach the shelf."

"Just because you're tall, doesn't mean I'm short!" Hermione laughed freely, and it felt good to laugh freely, it was the first in a while.

Harry laughed too, his laugh free also.

The train to Hogwarts wasn't bad at all, they played chess and ate chocolate frogs, like what happened that summer didn't happen.


Harry, Ron, and Hermione dragged their trunks across the already darkening grass to the carriages when Harry froze with his eyes widening.

"Mate? Is there something wrong?" Ron asked, confusion etched on his face.

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