Chapter 6: (Better Not Knowing)

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It was as if she wasn't alive anymore.

All her breathe seemed to sucked out of her, anyway. Everything seemed to be slowed down, even the look on Harry and Ron's faces as they yanked the piece of paper that had caused their best friend to go as white as chalk.

Even their shouts of concern seemed to be slowed down, as she ran from the Great Hall, as she ran from the thought nagging her, wanting to break into her, screaming for entrance.

They were screaming, yes. They kept screaming and were probably going to keep screaming until her dying day. Her parents were dead.

But she didn't believe those thoughts, even as they screamed louder and louder.

Hermione kept running. She needed to see for herself, they couldn't be dead, not after everything she was doing to keep them alive. Not after everything she had been through to learn how to end this upcoming war with Harry and Ron. Not after the already endless anxiety she had about them.

But was she too late to save them?

And that's when Hermione found herself fighting tooth and nail to break down the entrance door.

Distraught, she keep flinging herself to the door, wanting it to break off its hinges and let her escape not just the building, but her thoughts, too.

Someone caught her as she prepared to fling herself at the door again. The person held her strongly as she kicked at anywhere to escape their grasp.

"Let- me- go-!" Hermione screamed, her voice shrilly and filled with desperate panic, trying to wreck herself from their hands.

"No," said the person, so calmly that Hermione couldn't believe anyone could be calm anymore, not when her parents were dead. She didn't even care who that person was, she wanted out. And so did the tears in her eyes.

Hermione didn't know when she started crying, but they came with her body wracking as she continued to fight against her will to break free of the person's grasp.

She didn't even know when the person turned her around and hugged her so tight her body had no choice but to stop shaking so much.

Hermione gave desperate pleads to the person and she could feel them shaking their heads and holding on to her even tighter.

That's when she caught a whiff of the familiar smell of spearmint and gave another desperate plead.

"Please, I n-need to know that they're okay!" Hermione screamed, taking compulsive gulps to steady her body racking cries,

"They are okay," Harry said, his voice so low it was basically a whisper, "they're okay now, Hermione. They're safe."

Hermione continued to cry, she was still crying when Ron came, and joined the hug between her and Harry.

And so they stayed that way. It could've been several hours, several sunrises and sunsets, several winters and summers until they broke apart. But Hermione didn't care, neither did Harry nor Ron.

She didn't even care when Professors Dumbledore and McGonagall came, she didn't care when they ordered Harry and Ron to the their dorms, and Hermione to the hospital wing.

Harry and Ron's angry responses were blurred, but the look of pity on the professors' faces weren't. And how Hermione wished they were.

Everything seemed blurred, even as she was dragged to the hospital wing by Professor McGonagall and while Harry and Ron were dragged to their dorms by Professor Dumbledore.

Daring Love: (Harry and Hermione | Harmione)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang