Chapter 3: (Cheaters)

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Ron thrashed around in his sleep.

He finally bolted awake after his dream.

He looked around and spotted Harry's messy, black hair sticking out of his bed.

Grinning, Ron made his way towards Harry, planning to wake him up.

Ron peaked inside the covers, planning to scare him awake.

Then Ron saw that curly, brown hair sticking out of the bed.

Ron's jaw dropped.

It was Hermione!

He rubbed his eyes to check if he was seeing right, but he was.

"Holy shit!" Ron whispered, he couldn't believe his best friends had slept together.

Ron wondered if Hermione and Harry had her clothes off.

Panic rose in Ron, he screamed.

But then Ron saw the edge of her pink, pajama shirt and relief flooded him.

So they hadn't slept together.

But they were in the same bed.

Ron's eyes narrowed, he wanted answers.

Maybe they had a sleepover without him?

Ron shrugged and gave up, he was walking towards the door until the door busted open.

"What happened?" Ginny asked, concerned, in her pajamas, "I heard a scream, are you alright-"

But Ginny's glaze turned to Harry's bed and Harry's hair sticking out from it, and she saw Hermione's hair sticking out from the bed too.

Ginny's mouth hang open and she was shocked.

"Did they-" she began, but Ron shook his head.

"No, I thought the same, but then I saw Hermione's shirt so they weren't naked," Ron explained, "it gave me a good fucking scare, that's why I screamed."

Ginny walked towards them.

"They're pretty deep sleepers considering that they slept right through your screaming," Ginny said, laughing a little.

"Yeah, Harry's always been a deep sleeper, he's always the one getting pranked in his sleep in our dormitory," Ron replied, grinning, "well, I doubt they'll be happy to find us here, stalking them, we better head down."

Ginny nodded her head, "yeah, you're right, let's go."

They both headed out to breakfast.


Ron happily stuffed his face with bacon as Ginny blabbed on and on about Quidditch tryouts.

"Yeah, yeah, Ginny, shut the fuck up," Ron said, his mouth full, bacon bits flying everywhere.

Ginny scowled and then nudged Ron hard in the stomach.

"Ow," Ron complained, looking pained.

But then Ginny nudged him again, a little harder.

"What the fuck was that for-" Ron exclaimed, angry.

Ginny shushed him and pointed upstairs, the sound of a door opening and closing.

Ron gasped.

Harry and Hermione made their way downstairs quietly.

Both their hair were messier than usual, but other than that they looked quite happy.

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