The final goodbye (part 3)

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Chapter Seven

I was hiding inside a hollow of an old tree..

I was able to see what's going on outside by a small hollow of the tree's trunk.

When we saw the soldiers coming we run and we hid at different locations.I think that Fatima was

hiding behind a bush. I didn't see where Michael was as he was running faster than us.

Now they were here...

They were searching for us.

After a few minutes I was able to hear someone's breath next to me.

I held my breath,my heart was beating quicker than ever. I saw a light moving as he was searching with his torch.He searched for a few minutes but he didn't find me.

Then I heard him walking away,the others were still here however.

I wondered how Fatima and Michael felt.

-'' No one's here" said someone of them with a relaxed tone.

I was relaxed too and I bet that the same feeling felt Michael and Fatima.

They were leaving now.

Five minutes passed until we all came out from our hides and continued with caution our journey.

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