Endangered once again.

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Chapter: 9th

The  cry of Michael was breaking my heart ...

Unfortunately Fatima and Jacob didn't make it. When we heard the air crafts coming we ran out of the house to the forest  nearby. We were still running when Fatima stumbled on a twig. Her pants got caught by the twig and she  cried desperately for help. Jacob ran straight to help her.He didn't even manage to reach her  when a helicopter passed and someone shot them. 

Then Michael collapsed ... instantly we  grabbed him before he makes any madness and we kept running. We were all shocked. After some time we went out on a main road where after much effort we found a car to take us after we hitchhikered. Our destination was a small port even further west,  there,  was also going  the driver of the car, Jim.

From there we would immigrate ... we had decided it.

Almost all the people were heading to the borders of the country,few were those who remained, most were soldiers.

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