The final goodbye (final)

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Chapter Eight

We were reaching the otherside of the village...

All of us seemed more relaxed now , of course we were exhausted but we thought that once we find the friends of Michael we will be able to leave this place.That made me feel sad, afterall it was my place , it was my home.

-"We are close?" I asked Michael as I was admiring the landscape.

We were walking over the river of the village , the water was clear and calm, the moon was reflected on it ,something that made the scenery even more beautiful.

-"We must reach the Great Bridge.This is where they are waiting for us, it won't take us long, a couple of minutes maybe."

We were following the river.

It was going to be day soon.

We kept walking and walking and after a bit we saw some destroyed houses.

It was the otherside of the village...

As we were walking we entered the inner part of this side of the village.

We walked through the dusky paths and the village square.There wasn't anything or anyone to see or talk.

Everything was destroyed and all the people had left.

The atmosphere was gloomy , i was feeling nostalgia and sadness.

It was such a big mistake.

The war.

We were exiting the village now.For the last time.

As we got further and further away i kept starring at this scenary...

The village destroyed and abandoned,the smoke everywhere and the colour of the deep sky , the beauty of the moon and the beauty of nature.

It was such a big contrast.

Fatima saw me looking to the village.

She held my hand and looked me in my eyes,she seemed to understand me.

"I will miss that too you know...Don't worry,everything is going to be alright!"

-"I hope that so" I said after a moment.

She left my hand and walked away...

I followed her and I thought that I had to calm down.

We accelerated a bit in order to get quicklier to the Bridge.

-"What time is it? " I asked Michael.

-"It's 6:30 a.m.We are bound to be there at 7:00."

-"I hope we will make it!"

-"We have to.If we don't they will leave without us."

That was terrible!We had to make it! Otherwise...

We endeavoured to walk now, we were very exhausted.We tried to cheer up each other and keep on moving.Then I saw a bridge in front of us.

-"Hey! Is that the Bridge?" I asked full of hope.

-"Indeed!Here we are guys! We made it!" Michael said happily.

We run to the bridge...There they were four men standing in front of a big Jeep.Thank God they were the friends of Michael.

-"Hey guys you're late!"one of them said.

-"We had to escape from a few soldiers but now that it's finished we're all right" Michael said.

I was introduced to them,the four men were Jacob,Peter,John and Dan. They were at the same age as Michael's.

In addition, we were informed that after the bombing they had escaped and came here to wait us.They sent someone to notify Michael to come here and the rest is history.

The birds were chirping,a wind blew and some of the leaves of the trees above us fell to the river.The scenery was magical.

-"Shall we leave guys?Are you ready?"Jacob said.

We looked each other hesitantly.

-"Let's do it!" I said.

-"Everyone onboard!"Michael yelled.

We entered the jeep.It was very comfortable. We were very exhausted so Michael and Fatima fell to sleep immediately. Although I was very tired too I didn't want to miss our departure.

I was looking from the window as we were leaving.Once again I felt terrible.We went through the city,a destroyed city.

The sun was rising as we were leaving.

I saw the places I used to go and the shop where I used to work before this incident.It was a grocery shop,my boss was Mr.Adam, he was a very kind man...

However the shop was destroyed by the fire.

I thought about Mr.Adam,where he was now?He survived?Oh my God...

After a couple of minutes we were out of the village.

We were driving to the western part of the country where everything was calm.For now...

I fell asleep while I was thinking about our next movements.I will never forget this day.It was the day that would change my life forever...

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