Can he do that?

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"M...Manaphy?" Ash questions.

"Happy!" It yells.

"Who's this, Ash?" asks Serena.

"Remember me talking about May, Serena?"

"Yeah." Serena says.

"Well during my adventure with her, Brock, and her brother, we came apon a traveling circus who was helping a Pokémon Ranger keep this Manaphy's Egg save from the Phantom." said Ash.

"Ooooooooohhhhhh." Serena said.

Ash look at the manaphy in his arms.

"How did you find me?" He asked Manaphy. But all it said was "Happy!" "Of course." Ash said, sarcastically.

"Well I guess you can come with us." Ash decided.

"Mana!" It said, agreeing.
Manaphy took its place on Ash's other shoulder. (Pikachu is on the other)

"That's very interesting, Ash." Clement admitted.

"Yeah it is." Ash replied

"Yeah. It can speak one word." Said Bonnie.

"Actually, Bonnie it knows two words other than its name. That's happy and.... Mama." Ash stated.

"Who taught it to speak?" Asked Serena.

"May taught her." Ash said.

"Wow" she said, a little jealous.

"Manaphy has the power to switch two people's bodies." Ash said.

Clemont leaned in. "Wow that's amazing!" He exclaimed.

"He can do that?" Serena yelled.

That night, After Ash closed his eyes, there was a bright red light surrounding his tent (courtesy of Manaphy).

I hope you guys enjoyed the story so far, I sure had fun writing the story so far. Next chapter you'll find out what Manaphy did. (If you can't already guess)

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