A surprise for Ash

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I am really sorry I haven't updated in a month.

Ash: Where were you?

Me: I was still here. I was just..... running out of material for quite some time.

Serena: Ooh.

Pikachu: Pika!

Me: *hands Pikachu a ketchup bottle* Here. Your lucky I'm around to care for you.

Pikachu: Pika! *takes bottle and starts licking it.*

Ash: Hey!

"Please be quiet Serena." Ash said while trying to calm Serena down.

Serena chanted in her mind 'Yeeeeeeesssss. I'm in Ash's body!' She was mentally dancing.

She calmed down after that and asked "Where's Manaphy?"

Serena shook her head

"That's what I wanted to know." Was Ash's reply. "Let's act like nothing happened." Serena nodded. "Listen," said Ash, "I don't think we'll change anytime soon, so I need to let you know what's going on. Clement asked me if I would teach him some of my strategy's. So we were gonna walk around the next town while you and Bonnie did something else." Serena didn't know what to say.

Pikachu started to wake up. "Pika?" Pikachu asked. Ash said, "Morning bud." Pikachu ran up to Ash and went on his shoulder.

Serena was in shock. "Oh Serena, our friendship is beyond normal so Pikachu can sense me even in a different body." Ash explained.

"Wow" She said, shocked.

Just then Clement and Bonnie came out of the tents and looked at Ash and Serena.

"Mornin' guys!" Said Clement.

Bonnie had a smirk on her face.

Ash whispered to Serena "This is gunna be a long day."


After breakfast the trainers split. Serena went with Clement (Filling in for Ash) and Ash went with Bonnie.

Clement turned to Serena. "Hey Ash, I would like to learn as much as I can today!" Said Clement. Serena though 'Oh boy.'


While walking around the town Bonnie said to Ash. "Okay Serena, its about time we started that plan of yours to get Ash to like you!" Ash was in shock. 'WHAT?!?' He exclaimed in his mind.

Man I love cliffhangers.

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