Chapter 1- Saved Me

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Can you imagine running away from your won mother as she chases you threw a wet, dark forest at midnight with a butcher knife?

Sweating, painting, trying to catch her breath all at once, while running away from her mother as she chases her threw the woods. She trips on a tree root sticking from the ground, she falls face first to the ground, she squrims to try and make it back on her feet, but her tired and worn out body made it almost impossible to get up, her mother comes behainf her and places her foot roughly on her back. “Melony, Melony, Melony, you shouldn’t have been so hardhead, all you had to do was listen to your mother and do as told.” he mother began to lecture as she played with the knife in her hands, she crouched down and placed the knife on Melony’s throat, Melony squirms trying to move away from the sharp knife that was now stabbing her in her neck, “Mom, mom  i’m sorry, i’ll be good i promise.” Melony said as she began tearing up. Her mother laughed and how pathetic her daughter sounded, “My dear, i don’t do sorry”s.” she began digging the knife into her daughters neck, Melony screamed in agony, her mother started dragging the blade threw her neck slowly. A guy dressed in all black grabbed her mother roughly by her arms and took her from off Melony. The guy took out a gun and held her at gunpoint. “Don’t kill her.” Meonly said using her last bit of strenght before calasping. the gut threw her mother on the grounf hard and threw 2 mid-sided rocks to her head, not heavy enough to kill her but just heavey enough to knock her out, “That should hold her for a bit.” he mumbled to himself while running his hands threw his short curls, he walked over to Melony to find her passed out and her head in a mini pool of blood, he took off his jacket and tore the sleeves off and rapped them around her wounded area, he then picked her up from the ground and threw her body across his shoulder and walked to his destination, the motel fro runaways, He went straight to his room beging extra caution not to be seem, when inside her laid her on his bed and covered her with a blanket. he sat on top of the bed next to her and just started at her for a while, “I wonder what her name is..” he thought to himself.

Next Morning.

Melony woke up with a headache thinking the events from the night before were just dreams, she sat herself up and looked around the room confused, she saw a boy short curly hair with a light caramel complexion wearing nothing but a wife beater and basketball shorts. “Goodmoring sunshine.” he said with a blunt tone sipping some of his orange soda from the can. Melony looked and him in nothing but fear and without even adressing his hello she peeped under the covers to see her jeans were still on, she let out a sigh of releef, “How did i get here and who are you?” she questioned. “Well, after i saved you lastnight, i brought you back here so the wolves wouldn’t dine on your flesh while you were unconscious  your welcome.” he took another sip of his soda. With that said Melony knew the horrid events from the nightbefore were all real,  ”So it wasn’t a dream?” she said, her voice shaking. “Nope, shit was real.” he answered her question, “Are y-you going to kill me?” Melony came right out asking, the guy laughed, “No, if i had any plan to kill you i would have done it last night and i would have stitched up your neck, i’d just let you blead to death.” he took another sip of soda.  Melony touched her neck and rubbed her hands over the stiches, “Oh, how’d you know how to - ” Melony began to say, “When your mother’s a nures, you learn a thing or two, ” he said. “Oh,”. “Since it wasn’t a dream, what did you do with my mother?” Melony asked. “You said don’t kill the crazy, so i just knocked her out with some rocks.” he shrugged. “Hey, she might he a little off, but she’s still the only mom i got.” Melony scolled. “A little?” he raised his eyebrow, “She’s a good mom… she was, untill ahcole and drugs came into the picture.” It was silent for a moment, “What is this place?” Melony asked breaking the silence  “A motel for runways.” he said. “So your a runaway?” she asked. “I’m back and forth, for the most part yeah…”  ”Oh.” was all she said. “Why were you running away from your mom?” he asked her, putting his soda on the table, “Long story short? We were rich, well, until my dad left us, all our money was gone, poor, we lived in a abandoned buliding, we needed money, so my mom was going to force me to sell my body… to men for money, a sex toy. A tear rolled down her cheek. “But i refused, so she would beat me.” more tears streamed down her face, the guy got up and sat next to her on the bed and brought her into a hug, she flinch to his touch, “I’m not going to hurt you.” he said in a voice a little louder than a whisper, “She would beat me with objects, anything she could find, lamps, brooms, anything. Then once, she brought a guy into the house after one of the beatings, and she. watch him rape me.” At this point her face was flooded in tears, “After that, the same night, which was yesterday, when she fell asleep, i left, i don’t know how she found ,me.” she said. “It’s okay, your safe now.” he told her and wiped her tears, “I’m sorry i never got your name” Melony told him while wipeing her wet eyes. “I’m Chres. you are?”  ”Melony.” “So Chres, why did you runway.” she asked him. “Uhh- everything was just wrong, i’m not just an open book, maybe one day i’ll tell you.” he looked away.  ”Show me around.” She wasn’t asking.”You don’t really want to know the people here, do you? Am I boring you?” Chres teased.” No, it’s just I don’t want to be like a turtle that hides in their shell all day.”“A turtle?” ”You’re changing the subject! Now show me around please.” Melony made a dramatic sad face and looked up at Chres he bit his lip and sighed,”Fine.” He hoped off the bed then lended Melony’s a hand. She could feel her cheeks burn red at his touch. Before she cold clear her toughts her and Chres were headed into the cafe, “Red lips, you lookin’ nice.” Chres said and snapped his fingers playfully, Some girl with curly black hair that passed her shoulders and was wearing red lipstick gasped and ran up to Chres, “Oh my gosh, I’ve missed you soo much!” the girl told him and she pulled him into a big, tight hug. “I’ve missed you too Loni. and Jaden says hi.”

The Runaways [A Mindless Behavior Story]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora