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Lilith stayed overnight, lapsing between crippling sadness and being numb the entire time. She sat between Cole and Jack on the couch, who took turns letting her rest on their lap. They watched movies until three in the morning, when Cole retired to bed. Lilith and Jack ended up sleeping together on the couch.

When Lilith woke next, it was ten in the morning and her father was calling to have her come home.

His car was in the driveway when Mrs. Zavala dropped her off. Lilith got out of the car with a sullen nod and a murmured, "Thanks," before kicking up a handful of gravel. As Mrs. Zavala pulled out, Lilith looked up at her home and sighed, stomach churning. Cold air nipped at the back of her neck and along her arms.

"I'm home," she announced as she stepped into the living room. She kicked her shoes off and set them by the fireplace. Footsteps sounded from the next room over and at once, a woman with a nose-ring stepped into the room. She only wore a bathrobe and fuzzy slippers.

"Oh, Lilith! I'm so relieved!" Marlene rushed forward, crushing Lilith in a hug. "Your father saw the news and was looking for you... he about blew a gasket until Daniella called." She gripped Lilith's upper arms and took a half-step back, blue eyes widening. "Are you alright? You look like you haven't slept a wink!"

Lilith brushed her hair out of her face, tucking the short strands behind one ear. "I did sleep," she replied. "Just didn't take off my makeup."

"That's for sure! I saw you and thought you were a raccoon for a moment." Marlene clucked her tongue. "Dear... Dear, dear, dear." She looked to the top of the fireplace before turning back. "You need a bath."

She said it in such a nonchalant manner. Lilith smiled, for once actually meaning it.

"Have you had breakfast?"

Lilith shook her head. Marlene reached out and smoothed back Lilith's hair, eyes alight.

"Tell you what. You go have a shower and I'll make you something. Anything you want – okay?"

"Can you make crepes?" Lilith asked. She hunched up her shoulders and shifted her feet, keeping her gaze downcast.

Marlene smiled again. "Anything you want."

Lilith swept past her to the hallway. Her muscles tensed as soon as she was far enough away and once she was out sight, her smile dropped. She whirled and sunk her fist into the wall. Pain shot up her arm. Her knuckles cracked.


Marlene wasn't so bad, Lilith decided.

The thought first came to her when she stepped into the shower. The water ran from the spout, chilly and almost unbearable until Lilith managed to turn the knobs the right way. Then warm drops cascaded on her from above, soaking into her hair and into her skin. She raised her face to the showerhead and hummed.

Marlene hadn't been around for long. She'd only been with Lilith's dad for a year and a half, at the most, and had only lived in the house for four months.

Lilith had gotten over the change pretty fast. Her father came home on occasion with new tales and newer women. Lilith never minded; it was never her business what her father did. And besides, Marlene had been nothing but nice to Lilith and Oliver.

Unfortunately for all of them, Oliver's suicide had come two weeks after Marlene moved in.

Lilith poured a generous amount of shampoo into her palm and ran it through her hair, musing all the while. The scent of strawberries grew thick in the air.

LiliumOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora