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Hi it's Draco, here with a couple of announcements.

The first:

-I am taking the first steps towards preparing Lilium for publishing. Queries, agent-seeking, the whole she-bang. Though depending how things go, I might end up self-publishing. We'll see.

Which uh... means looking for betas. 

Know anyone interested in being a beta? Interested yourself? Comment or PM me and we can talk business. I'll do my best to make it worth your while.

Second announcement:

-If you haven't heard yet, I've been developing a sequel to Lilium focusing on Jack and Lilith after the events of this novel.

Well, finally, it's becoming a thing.

Folks, friends, and others, may I present...

Iridis! Cover made by the same brilliant mind that made Lilium's cover, Ideoiogicaliy! AKA Zuko

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Iridis! Cover made by the same brilliant mind that made Lilium's cover, Ideoiogicaliy! AKA Zuko. And with a cover there is, of course, a story.

Currently, the release date is a bit up in the air. I would like to finish Midnight Darlings first [and I'm close!!] and maybe get a bit further on Those Who Emerge from Ashes. So we're still a liiiitle bit out from release. But there is a summary and an excerpt:

It's still in the works, of course, but has the basic principle

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It's still in the works, of course, but has the basic principle.

I'll leave you with something to read on your way out.


It wasn't the first time Jack had gone to visit The Dark Roast, and it certainly wouldn't be the last, but that didn't stop the gnawing anxiety in her stomach. It bubbled to the surface as she stood outside the alleyway entrance. Raindrops fell on her like thick tears, plastering her hair to her scalp and falling in her eyes. The purple and dark blue neon sign was a blur of flashing colors when she looked at it. The doorknob was cold in her hands. 

Each movement seemed to take an eternity, but she finally eased the door open enough to slip through. The open darkness beyond reeked of mildew and ash. She couldn't see her hand in front of her face when she held it up. 

The door clicked shut behind her, icy against her back. Jack's breath caught in her throat, in part because of the overwhelming stench of decay. She couldn't even tell if she was blinking, but the next moment she was aware of light, it was a gentle gold flashing in the middle of the space. A soft hum emanated from deep with it. Faint traces of cinnamon hit her nose on her next inhale.

The light sat there, bobbing in time to its tuneless hum, before blinking out of existence. The moment its light faded, warm gusts of wind blasted Jack in the face. She covered her eyes against the onslaught.

Stronger waves of cinnamon, mixed with a scent she couldn't place, wafted into her nostrils. From far off, Jack heard the muffled sounds of laughter and clinking glasses. They grew louder. Jack opened her eyes.

Damn ghosts.

Soft jazz played from speakers she couldn't see. Her sneakers pressed into creme carpet, spotted in places with age and overuse. From the table closest to her, a man in a threadbare trench coat raised a bony hand and waved. Patched of flesh were missing from his cheeks and neck, but he smiled nonetheless. Jack managed a weak smile back.

"Always a pleasure to see you, Jacklyn.," he said, voice like wind over a gravestone.

"Likewise." Jack dipped her head. "Any news?" As she spoke, she eyed the skeleton behind the counter at the back of the coffeeshop. Despite the tables between her and his empty eye sockets, she swore he was scowling.

"About ah..." The man close to her snapped his fingers, dragging Jack's attention back to him. A frown set on what was left of his lips. 

"About Lilith?" Jack pressed.

"Right! Her!" The frown remained. "Nothing fresh, I'm afraid."

Jack grasped her forearm, fighting to keep her disappointment from showing. "That's okay, I'll just--"

"You talking about the vampire?" The skeleton's jaws clicked together as they spoke. They picked up a glass and a rag and started wiping the counter.


"Or rather, half-vamp." The skeleton paused, seeming to examine their handiwork, before scratching the counter with the tip of one skeleton finger. "But that's old news, I thought."

Jack's lips twisted. "If it is, I've not heard about it."

"Maybe Eddie-boy managed to keep his trap shut for once." The skeleton continued to scratch the same spot on the counter. "But then again, maybe he forgot."

Eddie shrugged. "Maggots did eat holes in my brain."

"The question is did they make the right holes." The skeleton looked up. "Who are you, anyway?"

Jack pointed her thumb at herself. "Me?"

"No, the ghoul in the corner." After a pause, "Yes, you. Never seen you before. Must show up on days I'm not here." Their gaze moved to Eddie, as if hoping he'd have an answer.

"I..." She clasped her hands in front of her. "I'm Jack."

"Well, Jack, you ain't dead."

"No, I suppose not." Anxiety slid headfirst into indignation. "Is that an issue?"

The skeleton considered this before shaking their head. The way they did it wasn't so much a "no" as it was a "never mind". Jack's frown deepened.

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