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The road was bumpy under Mrs. Zavala's tires, shaking the entirety of the car as it moved. Lilith's – no, she reminded herself, Jack's – necklace jingled from its spot at her throat. The cross pressed into the spot between her collarbones, cold against her skin. A foul energy flooded her blood.

"So," Mrs. Zavala began, "that was uh..." She paused. "You changed your mind pretty fast."

"More like A-my dad did." Lilith sighed and leaned against the window. The hairs on her arms raised. "He's a bit flighty lately."

"I would be too," Mrs. Zavala replied. "If Jacklyn was in your place... I wouldn't let her out of the house." She looked over. "Not that I don't trust her, mind you. But... Being questioned by the cops would be enough. I wouldn't want her to suffer a fate worse than that."

Lilith nodded, forehead squeaking against the glass. "I can understand that."

"You have it a bit luckier than her, you know."

Lilith nodded again. "I know."

"It's hard enough trying to raise her... trying to keep our culture intact. I can't imagine how your dad does it."

He doesn't. Lilith's breath fogged the window. He tries to, but he doesn't. She painted a finger over the glass, making nonsense sigils with her thumbnail. He's no more permanent to me than the fog than this window, though he tries to be more.

Droplets of moisture rolled down the glass. Lilith fixed her gaze to the world outside her window.

"I'm sorry you couldn't stay for longer," Mrs. Zavala said in her thick lilt. "Maybe next time, hmm?"

"Yeah," Lilith replied. If there is a next time. She fingered the cross at her neck and sighed. "I'll have to call Jack when I'm able to." If I'm able to.

Mrs. Zavala took one hand off the steering wheel and rubbed Lilith's arm, bringing the scent of cinnamon with her. "You feeling alright?"

"Yeah." Lilith pat her hand and squeezed, never once looking her way. Her stomach twisted at the thought of seeing the other woman's concern. "I'm just tired and kind of upset." And I'm probably going to die soon... But, yaknow.

"I know where you're coming from," Mrs. Zavala replied. "But try to see where your dad is in all of this. He's trying, as a parent."

No, he's not. He's got a sadistic asshole in his brain. Just like I do.

"Raising kids isn't easy." The station wagon rolled to a stop in Lilith's driveway. "Try to take it easy on him... okay?"

Lilith reached for her seatbelt. "Okay. Thank you, Mrs. Zavala." And goodbye, probably. She curled her fingers around the chain at her throat, took a deep breath, and slid her seatbelt into its slot on the wall. "Thanks for the ride."

"Any time, Lilith..." Mrs. Zavala's hand fell to the space between their seats. "I mean that."

"I know." Lilith chewed at her bottom lip. "Again, thanks." Then she popped the car door open and stepped out, never once looking Mrs. Zavala's way. Right before she slammed the door shut, Mrs. Zavala called out, "I'll see you later!"

No, you probably won't. The door closed with a thud.

Tires scratched against the gravel. For just a moment, Lilith turned to watch the station wagon pull out of the driveway. She waved goodbye with two quick shakes of her hand. Then, gravel crunching under her feet, she took slow strides for the front porch.

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