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I own no characters except Zaliya and a few others not in the book.

Name: Zaliya Pinewood

Age: 173

Appearance: Short, with brown skin and black curly hair and large brown eyes 

Controller-Keeper of Peace: Can control fire, water, earth, air, and can change forms/ is a shape-shifter

Personality: Outgoing but kind and considerate. Dangerous and protective. Sarcastic and fun-loving. Secretive and funny.

Skills: Speaks every middle earth language and can communicate with any living thing. Good with a bow, sword, and daggers (plus her normal powers). Tracker and good eyesight and good hearing. Also has some healing powers.

Family: Her father was a controller, and her mother was a shape-shifter. Both died in an Orc raid attempting to save her and her brother. She has not seen her younger brother, Bard, for about 150 years. He is human, with the ability to live long.

After the Orc raid when she was 24, Zaliya was separated from her brother and she fled into the forest. For many weeks she wandered aimlessly, avoiding danger in fear of death. Then she was rescued by a grey wizard by the name Gandalf.

For many years she stayed in his company, learning to control her powers and skills. When she had learned all she could, she bid her good friend farewell and wandered the world for adventure, never finding a place to call home.

After many years apart, Gandalf came looking for the controller. He told Zaliya of a quest, and he wanted her help. She agreed, for her heart could never turn down an adventure. Gandalf told her to come to a meeting in the Shire, just look for the door with his mark.

This story is based on the second Hobbit movie. I would recommend reading my first Hobbit book so you know what's going on. :D

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