Little Girl All Grown Up

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His eyes were wide-open in his mask. Nyssa walked over to him and show him the head that she took off.

"Nyssa,but you're only 6 years old." He had no words to speak. Jade too,she was stunned and wanted to give her some reward.
"Estas feliez? Jade? Pappi?" She said.
"Si,como...",She stopped and looked at the head she took off.
"Well..CONGRATULATIONS! NYSSA!" They both yelled with joy,"Now you can earn your reward!" Jade shouted. Nyssa was confused and didn't know what she was talking about.
"What?" She scratches her head. Jade grabbed one of the Xenomorph's finger and the acid was dripping and she made Nyssa's right cheeck into a cricket "T". The pain only hurts for a little bit painful. Then the mark of a worrior was born!
"I just want to adopt you!" Jade hugged Nyssa tight. Jaw purred and hugged them both. Jade blushed a little. Nyssa looked over at her dad and Jade. She realized that they were looking at each other and she could tell that her dad was madly in love even the mask on,she knows how his body language is to Jade. She giggled and wanted them to have an alone time with each other. After all, Nyssa wanted a mother like Jade she will make a good mate to her dad(even though they're not the same species). She moved her arms and slightly escaped to the hugging group and went to the ship and wanted to contact Blade her best friend hunter. Then she walked over to the ship.
"Nyssa where you going young lady?" Jaw asked sharply,he's very protective at Nyssa ever since she was born and want her to be with her on every second. Nyssa groaned and twist around in front of her dad.

"I'm going on the ship to contact Blade so I can show him my honor." She finished and grabbed Jaw's claw. Jade giggled.
"Oh young children so adorable!" She laughed,Jaw smiled and nodded. He just chuckled and rubbed Nyssa's hair.
"Go on, we'll be back." Jaw turned around and walked with Jade into the sunset. Nyssa smiled and hope the best for her dad to be with Jade.
"Yes! Finally!" Nyssa ran to the ship and pressed on buttons. Then the screen,show Blade with his mask on.
"Greetings, Nyssa Gracia." He greeted and show his trophy to her. It was covered in green,probably he had some wounds and the blood showing. Nyssa was stunned and surprise,she thought that she would beat him from they're little game. She felt jealous too ,but she reminded quiet and kept her feelings to herself, she didn't want him to know he's better at everything.
"Look what I got!" She reached to the Xenomorph's skull and proudly show him. He took off his mask and his reaction was completely stunned. She smiled.
Meanwhile Jade and Jaw,
The sunset was beautiful and big from South Africa. Jade's long black hair shines from the sunset making Jaw more difficult to share his thoughts on her.
Oh come on! Jaw's head screamed,I can do this! I bet she has feeling for me too it's just that I do not want to ruin this moment. Yes! I should do it! Then was completely nervous and would she love a 7 foot tall predator with his Jaws all sharp and big? His deadlocks were long and covered with spikes too.
"Beautiful sunset right?" She meet eyes with the alien,her tan skin shines from the sun,it made it difficult to Jaw say something. She was just too beautiful!
"Mmmmm...Jade?" He studded,Jade smiled because he sounds like he wanted to confess something.
"Yes?" She asked.
"How do you see me? In your opinion". She smiled,this isn't her normal smile he sees everyday,it's a warm smile that be didn't see like a hundred years. This made him more comfortable with her.
"For me Jaw, when I first saw you I thought you were going to have my skull as your trophy."
"Well, for us we don't fight unless they attacm,but we mostly attack by animal first though."
"Then when you allowed me to work with you I was thinking,' What is this a trap? Or would he just make me with him?'" Jade look down at his claws and just leave it there.
"Then, after a few years I know you if I had a best friend. The feeling started to grow I didn't it I was focuse to protect myself until you showed up. You were in you're mask the one you are wearing right now. It scared me but I knew I need to be strong. I love you Jaw." He doesn't know what to do,but he, her wanted at his side forever.
"I love you,Jade Gabriel more than the whole gaxely". He took off his mask and show his scared wounded face with his jaw decorated with piecing. Jade touch his face gently with her finger with the beast.
"I don't care if you are ugly,or another species, I just love the way you are", she closed her eyes and kissed his jaw. His strong arms around her,he wanted more of her mouth. Her height was almost reaching him and she sit in his lap.
"You have a very strong body", she chuckled and wrapped her legs on his waist put her arms around him.
"You really like that don't you?" She nodded and kissed him again,then she opened her eyes quickly she looked away.
"Wow! Wait we forgot about Nyssa!" She stood up. Jaw still in his make-out mode snapped out of it, he was a selfish father he forgotten about his daughter.
"Let's us? Shall we?" He held his hand to her. Jade smiled ," As you wish my Predator". They rushed to the ship,but they wanted to be more alone together,that can wait.

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