Chapter 2 - Living a Teenage Dream

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Hello again….

This chapter is dedicated to Kiaora17!!!



  Chapter – 2

 “Remember to come home early. Weather forecast claims that it’s going to rain” Jason reminded me, as I grabbed the toast and headed for the door.

 “Yeah, Yeah! Will do. See ya!” I yelled as I walked through the door and out of the apartment and into the street. I had to walk to Ashley’s house, which was not that far, usually I think about various topics under the sun and within no time I arrive at her doorstep. Never actually timed my walk. Speaking of time, I glance at my watch and I realize that we were going to late, again. I hope Ley’s ready.

 Pfft… I smile to myself, Ashley and ready on time can never be used in the same sentence. We were friends since kindergarten and I sometimes wonder if she would be on time to her own wedding.

 Needless to say, I found myself in front of the Smith’s raising my hand to knock. I was greeted with the warm smile of Mrs. Elizabeth, the Smith’s housekeeper.

 “Hey Mrs. E. Do you think Ley’s awake or should I blow the trumpet this time?” I asked her.

 “She’s awake today Miss. Jane and it seems that you banging Master. Tom’s drum in her ears did the trick”

 “Hey Janey. Ready to go.”

 Speak of the devil, I thought. Ashley Smith was a beautiful girl. She had bright golden hair and today she paired her blue skirt with a white blouse and that made her eyes shine. “Of course Ley, let’s go. See ya, Mrs. E”

 “You know just because I am nice to you on this nice sunny day, does not mean I forgive you for yesterday’s umm… let’s call it your unique ways of waking me up!!” she warned as she led me to her pink Porsche Boxster.

 “Thought you had forgotten all about it! And instead of dwelling on the bad side of things, look at the good side of me doing that.  It helped you get up on time” I argued as she drove us to our high school, the ever mighty Xavier’s.

 She parked in her usual space next to all the cheerleaders. Oh! Did I happen to mention my best friend was the head cheerleader?

 “Hey Beth, Lorrie, Ann” Ashley called out to the three blondes huddled together waving pom-poms in each other’s faces.

  “Come on Jane. We are going to be late” she called out as she got out of her car.

 “Coming Miss. Punctuality”

 “Seriously, Jane,” she continued, ignoring my jibe, “you need to start dressing appropriately now” she said, looking at my worn out jeans and baggy T-shirt.  “Now that you are friends with the head cheerleader and  also that you happen to be dating Derek.”

 “First of all, Miss. Head Cheerleader I am not going to change the way I dress just because my friend raised herself in social clique. Second of all, Derek is going out with me because he said I was different. At least that’s what he said when he took me out on a date to the zoo and the aquarium” I said to her

 “He took you out on a date?” for moment disbelief clouded her eyes but it was quickly replaced with curiosity. I took no notice to it because I was aware that Derek dating me, in itself had caused negative speculation. He was the star and I was the nerd!  That summed it up pretty well. So, how did we start dating???  Well, all I can remember is that one minute we were staring at each other and the next he sat down next to me and we ended up exchanging numbers.

 “Hey Jane” I heard a deep voice call. I turned and saw Derek walking towards me. He is over 6 feet tall, kind of common for a basketball player I guess. He has golden hair and blue eyes, and when I gaze into them it feels that I am drowning in them He is well=built and the muscles in his arm flexed as walked towards me. As usual, I was rendered speechless as he came towards me. He put his arm around me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. He silently acknowledged Ashley with a curt nod, and I was pretty sure I saw jealousy in her eyes. But I could not pay more attention to it because Derek was leaning down to whisper something in my ear.

 “Hope you enjoyed our date to the zoo. We could do it again sometime,” he whispered.  I blushed and just nodded.

 “Okay, folks.  Let’s get to class on time so that we don’t get a late-slip from the vice”  We agreed and started to walk towards our classes. But I could not help wondering about Ashley’s odd behavior. She just seemed to be off these days. I think it all started when I first started dating Derek. But I brushed such thoughts aside. I knew Ashley, maybe she’s just feeling left out.

 Derek held my hand as we walked to our classes. Ashley had math with Derek in the first hour. Derek leaned down and gave me a quick kiss on the lips before he said goodbye and left with Ashley. I sighed and leaned against the door of my Physics class.

 “Don’t be too happy in your dream land Jane” warned Beth. I had not realized that they were standing behind me. I turned around and I was greeted with three pairs of cold eyes.

 “Just because Derek has showed some interest in you, does not mean you should be happy, in fact you should be scared, scared as to when he finds someone better to hang around with” continued Lorrie.

 “Everyone knows it’s only a matter of time before Ashley and Derek get together. And you will become what you always have been invisible” emphasized Ann.

 I just watched them go into class, with their high heels clanking on the ground. Why could I not defend my relationship with Derek?  “Maybe cause you don’t have one. my mind whispered.  ‘That is not true’. I thought to myself as I took my seat. I love Ashley and Derek and they loved me too. “Or did they”, my mind nagged as I drifted off watching the Physics teacher, Mr. Dean announce that we were going to study the Laws of Attraction.

 Oh! Why should it be sooo difficult??!!


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