Chapter 8 - The Meeting

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Author's note

Hello world,

Please let me know what you think of the story so far.

And thank you @millennialsmonologue for the kind encouraging words. 



Chapter 8 - The Meeting

Nobody had dared to talk to him that way. Most people were afraid of him but apparently this teacher was not.

"Nice to meet you Ms. Jane", he heard himself repeating.

He watched with satisfaction as a blush of embaressment crept up her cheeks.

"I am extremely sorry for the inconveniecne my nephew has caused to you and your..." he was not allowed to complete his sentence because she had interrupted him.

"Daniel has not inconvenienced me or Mary in any way Mr.Scott. You have." she emphasized. How dare he refer to his nephew as an inconvenience. She heard Mary gasp, probably with shock at her words but Jane did not care. She wanted this arrogant man in from of her to realise his mistake.

"I see Ms. Jane. And may I ask how?"

"You forgot to feed Daniel, send him his snacks and even pick him up."

"You may not understand this Ms. Jane but I happen to run a successful multi-national company. Taking care of Daniel is my secondary concern."

"That's the problem Mr. Scott. Daniel is not a share on the stock market that you just buy and not bother with. He is a child and requires constant attention just like you were pampered in your childhood days. He needs a role model and I do not know in what right mind but he has chosen to look up to you. So, if you could please take some time out of your busy schedule and spend time with your nephew, you will give Daniel a childhood."

"I understand from your rant that you think I am not a suitable guardian. So..."

"I do not think Mr. Scott. I know you are not a suitable guardian."

He allowed himself to smile but he continued as if he had not heard her interruption. "I have a propositon for you Ms. Jones. You can work as Daniel's caretaker and teach me to be a good role model. And of course your time will be compensated for." He said with finality.

Jane was going to turn down his offer immediately but Mary chose this time to speak up. "That is a wonderful idea Mr. Scott. I am sure Jane will be delighted to accept this oppurtunity. We just need to work out the details."

"Mary! What, no. I'm sorry Mr. Scott but I will have to turn down your..."

"Ms. Jane you seem to think you have been given a choice. Let me rephrase, you either work for me or I will be forced to have a talk to the board about a certain teacher's unrespectful behaviour towards me. This is my contact number, call me when you have made a decision." With that, he turned around and walked out of the room without another word.

"Who does he think he is! That arrogant, conceited, pompous... And Mary why would you do that?"

"Have you forgotten Jane, that this is Mr. Scott we are talking about. He has the power and influence to ruin your career even before you begin it. Trust me when I say he will carry out his threat. So go work for him, it's not the end of the world and besides working for him will boost your resume."

After a moment of silence Jane spoke. "I hate it when you're right. I'll talk to Jason and get back to him. Not like I have been given a choice anyway." she puffed.


He had not expected to be blamed. He had not expected her to defy and question him. And he sure as hell did not expect to be attracted to her.

He walked to his car and pulled out his cell.

"Good afternoon Mr. Scott."

"Katherine, fire that new nanny I hired. Tell her there has been some miscommunication and that somebody has already been hired for the job."

"I see Sir. May I ask who the new nanny is?"

"Daniel's teacher."

"I see Sir. Is she qualified? Does she have the necessary experience? Does she have good references? What are her previous..."

"I don't Katherine, but I do know she is fit for the job."

"Are you sure Sir, is she blackmailing.."

"Katherine, will you do as I have asked?"

There was silence on the other side of the telephone and he was met with a curt reply. "Of course Sir."

He disconnected the call and looked out the window as the car drove past the beach. He did not care about her qualifications all he knew was that he wanted her.

And what he wanted, he got.


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