Chapter 7 - Mr. Hot-Shot

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Chapter 7

"Daniel. Your uncle is sorry that he could not come and pick you up. He was busy", said Becky barely interested in Daniel. 

"And who are you?" she asked.

"Oh. You must be new." she said in a haughty manner, "My name is Rebecca Williams and I am Mr. Scott's Personal Assistant.", flipping her hair.

"Well Ms.Williams could you please put Mr.Scott on the phone."

"I'm sorry, Ms.Kindergarten Teacher..."

But Jane did not let her finish, "Ms.PA, I could get his number from the school files and I could mention that you were late in picking up Daniel because you were too busy getting your nails done or you could put him on the phone and I could conveniently forget that fact. Your choice.."

Fear was written all over her face and she reluctantly dailed her boss's number. 

"Good Afternoon Sir. No sir, nothing is wrong but Daniel's teacher would like to talk to you."

And after a pause, Rebecca hands her glittery phone to her.

"Good Afternoon Mr.Scott. My name is Jane and I am Daniel's teacher."

"What can I do for you Ms. Jane?" a deep voice responded.

"This will not take a lot of your time Mr.Scott, but I would really appreciate it if you could spare 1 minute of  your precious time to remember to serve Daniel his breakfast and another 15 minutes to help him with his homework. In total if you could spare 16 minutes of your time to see to the well being of your nephew, I will be very grateful. Have a good day Mr.Scott.", and she hung up.

Both Daniel and Rebecca were looking at her as if she had a death wish but she just gave back Rebecca's phone and said goodbye to Daniel and walked back into the school.

What kind of man forgets to feed a child? 


That teacher had some nerve taking to me like that. Daniel was well cared for...

"Katherine get me Ms. Marks on line 2", he bellowed to his receptionist.

"Ms. Marks on line 2, Sir ", came the prompt reply.

"Good Afternoon Ms. Marks", he said in an icy tone.

"Good Afternoon Sir! Is there anything I can do for you Sir?", came the flirty reply.

Ignoring the invitation he continued, "Was Daniel served his breakfast today?"

There was a pause on the other end of the line, followed by a rushed response, "I think so Sir."

"I do not pay you to 'think' Daniel has had his breakfast, I pay you to make sure he does. I believe you also 'think' thaat he has done his homework. Tell me Ms. Marks how difficult is it to help a boy in Grade 2 learn the continents?" he breathed out angrily.

"I'm sorry Sir. This will not happen again!" 

"Damn right it wont because you are fired. You can collect your paycheck from Jones and leave. Goodbye Ms. Marks," ending the call not wanting to hear the desperate cries.

"Katherine get me a list of caretakers.... again"

"Yes Mr. "

This was the sixth nanny he had fired or was it the seventh, he could not remember. The women easily agreed to take care of Daniel but once they sensed their charms had no effect in gaining his affections, they slacked on their job. Annoyed he went to his stocked mini-bar and poured himself a glass of brandy. He walked across his office and looked at the city. The city that had once betrayed him, he now had conquered. But instead of the peace he kept longing to find, he had to play parent to his sister's son. His dead sister's son, he reminded himself, not that he cared. She was'nt much of a sister when she was alive much less a parent. But who was he to comment on parentage, he was not doing a good job of it himself anyway.

A Broken PromiseOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz