Chapter 6 - Strike Three

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Chapter 6

"Why do you need to go to California?," I asked Jason.

"Well... I have been doing well the past couple of months and there was an opening in the California office and they needed someone. My boss thought that this was the change I needed. He had told me a couple of weeks back but..." he drawled on.

"You don't have to explain Jason I get it. So..." I started, "When do we leave? Where are we staying? Can I stay with you? Is it near Hollywood?" I rushed out.

"Ummm okay let's see, soon, don't know yet, yes and don't know." he said ruffling my hair. "Now it's your turn. Why do you want to go to California?"

"Remember I told you about the course in Psychology that I wanted to take? Well Josephs in California looks like a good enough college to do it in. And it's in correspondence so I'll try and get a part time job too..."

"You don't have to do that J. You could go to a regular college..." he started but I interrupted him.

"I could," I admitted, "but I won't. I'll just do the correspondence."

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Yup, now figure out when we are leaving, so that I can start packing!"


And that's how Jason and I found ourselves in California, 4 days later. California was good. A new place meant new beginnings. That was a good thing right? Anyway, Jason was given a good appartment and it was big enough for the both of us. It took us some time to figure things out, but we did eventually. I took care of the appartment in the morning when Jason was at work, and he took care of the appartment in the evening when I was at my job. Time flew by and in 4 years I had finished my correspondence  and a Dual Masters in Child Psychology and English Literature. I had gotten all the credentials required to be a English teacher and had landed myself a job at Charles Secondary School. Jason has become a full-fledged lawyer and is doing pretty good in his firm. 

"How is work,J?"

"Good. I finished my required training, so today is my first day as an assistant teacher to Mary."

"Good luck J! You will be amazing with the kids.", he said kissing my cheek, "I'm leaving now. Remember to lock the door on your way out!"

"Yes, Brother Mine.", I said as I closed the door, and started getting ready to go to work. I reached the school around 9 in the morning and went to meet Mary in the classroom to set up for the day. 

"Good Morning Jane! How are you doing?" asked Mary as I entered the classroom.

"Good Morning Mary. Doing good. How about you?" 

"Same old, same old." she answered. Mary was older to me by 3 years but we got on really well. She was the closest friend I had in California.

"Another date gone wrong?"

"Don't get me started..." Mary already had an ideal guy in her mind and she searched the dating websites for him. She had two simple criteria; He had to share her interests of poetry and drama and should be able to cook. All the dates she had picked had gone wrong terribly. Some quoted Wordsworth in the wrong context and some could barely cook an omlette. She was a hopeless romantic but she was also practical.

Before she could continue the bell rang, signalling the start of the day.

"The story is going to have to wait" Mary said with a pout.

I just smirked and started setting up for the class. The doors opened and we heard a chorus of good mornings. 

"Right class. Good morning. If you could all keep your homework on the table. Ms Jane and I will come and have a look at it."

"Ms. Mary, I have not done my homework. My uncle was too busy to help me." said a meek voice from the back. I felt anger rising but cooled down when I heard Mary say,

"Well Daniel, Ms.Jane will help you to finish it now."

As I helped Daniel with his homework, "Ms.Jane could I have my snack break now?"

"It's still morning Daniel. Did you have breakfast?"

"Ummm... My uncle forgot."

Strike two.

"Sure you can have your snack break now."

Mary started to teach the class and by afternoon we had finished our classes for the day and were at the teacher's lounge.

"Whose Daniel's uncle?"

"Some hot-shot lawyer." Mary answered.

"Have you ever told him..."

"Never met him. Usually his secretary picks Daniel up. We have all tried Jane, to get him to pay attention to Daniel he never does. He just sends a letter with a huge check, and that makes the school board happy and they turn a blind eye."

"Don't get too worked up on it Jane. We take care of him now. Anyway enough of this, now where was I... Oh right the date, so I went out with Mark, and he was such a disappointment. His profile said 'Proficient in Modern Poetry' and he could not even quote a single line. Jane I am telling you, I am officially giving up on dating. I have tried and tried and tried. If my prince is looking for me, well he is going to have to look for me cause I have officially given up" Mary said sipping her coffee and just then her eyes started to glitter and she said, "I might have given up but you Jane, I know what I am going to do. I am going to help you find love!" 

"Wait just one moment" I said, "I do not want to find love." I continued emphasizing each word. 

"That's what you say! I know better. Well I'm leaving early today cause I have work to do." she said smiling sheepishly, walking towards her table and picking up her bag.

"Don't do it Mary." I warned.

"See you tomorrow Jane" she called out.

Shaking my head i turned to leave, when

"Hey Jane! You and Mary teach Grade 5 'A' right?" Lily, the secreatary asked in an urgent tone

"Yeah! Is anything wrong?"

"Well I really need to head home early because my husband is sick. And I am incharge of this kid, Daniel. His uncle is late again. Would you mind looking after him today. Please!"

"Sure" I answered and followed her out.

"Daniel is in the waiting room. I owe you one Jane. Bye." she said as she walked out.

I entered the waiting room and found a boy with blond hair looking eagerly out the window.

"Hey Daniel." 

"Hello Ms.Jane" he spared me a glance and continued to look out the window.

Before I could ask him anything, he jumped exictedly from the window and ran towards the door.

"He's here. My uncle has come to pick me up.", he looked so excited. "My uncle is a very busy man but he still finds the time to pick me up 'cause I am his nephew." he said proudly. One could see the awe Daniel had for his uncle.

"Well let's just go and meet him." I said as he held on to my hand.

We went out and waited to meet Daniel's uncle. But we saw a young redhead walk out an expensive looking car. She wore a tight business suit and was busy with her freshly manicured nails.

"Oh. Becky is here.", the disappointment in his eyes brought tears to my eyes.

Strike three


Author's  Note:

I have decided to write the rest of the chapters in the third person narrative and I will slowly change the first six chapter as well!

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