Chapter 3 - The Encounter

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Chapter 3

 Finally the bell rang signaling the end of school. I head over to where Ashley and Derek are sitting.

 “Hey! Janey, how was Physics today?” Ashley asked me as I took a seat beside Derek. He put his arm around me and continued to talk to his friends.

 “It was okay.  Same old Mr. Dean!” I tried being cheerful about it, but it fell flat to the ground.

 “Anyway listen up Janey, Derek and I had History together and there was that girl, hmmm…..What’s her name?  You know the blond girl with glasses.  You know her Jane, and she’s just like you quiet, reserved, nerdy…”

 Wow… what is she going on about.

 “So listen you know this girl, she just walks up to me and demands me to move from her seat. I mean can you believe it she just thinks that she can walk up to me, ME of all people and talk to me like that!  What nerve!”

 That last sentence just riled me up. How dare she just categorize people like that? “Please explain to me why Lillian cannot talk to you Ashley?” I said anger surging through my veins.

 “Because she’s a nerd and I’m not. Standard high school ground-rules. You should know Jane, you broke everyone of them”

 'I’ve had it with your attitude and your silent jibes at me. You want to say something to me say it to my face or don’t bother at all” I said slamming my fist to the table. That got the attention of Derek who stopped talking to his friends and turned and looked at me. Ashley just gaped at me, not used to my display of anger.

 “Everything okay Jane”, he asks me ignoring her.

 “I don’t know.  Ask Ashley.  She’s the one who’s got the problem with me” I retorted not bothering to look at him.

 But from the corner of my eye I saw Derek turn to Ashley with a smirk playing on his mouth and looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

 All of a sudden, Ashley addressed Derek with all the sweetness in the world. “Nothing’s wrong Derek”, she said placing a perfectly manicured nail on his arm “Jane and I just had a misunderstanding. You know best-friend stuff”

 “Right…” he dragged looking at her with the smirk still playing on his lips. Ashley’s eyes also started to glow, and both of them looked at each other as if they were laughing to an inside joke.

 “Speaking of which, Jane, Ashley and I need to go to the library to do some reading on an assignment that is due tomorrow” he said as he started getting up.

 I was speechless. From when does Ashley go to the library, moreover from when does she care if she had completed a report?

 “Yeah…. report due  tomorrow Jane” she said as she got up. “Right…..” I mimicked Derek.  “You two are going to the library to finish a report that is due tomorrow?” I asked as I narrowed my eyes in suspicion.

 “What can I say Jane. You made me a changed man” Derek said dramatically. I swear I heard Ashley giggle but then she quickly turned it into a cough.

 “Okay. See you soon.  I guess”,  I said and they started walking away.

  “Oh!  And Jane”, Ashley called out, “I might not be able to drop you today considering that the report is going to take a long time”

 “Yeah.  A really long time”, added Derek looking at Ashley with a knowing smile.   What are these two hiding I wondered.  I’m pretty sure Ashley has never written a report in her life and I’m also sure that Derek is also on the same boat.  What are they hiding? I wonder to myself.

  Stop it,  Jane you’re overreacting.  Derek may be right.  I have might have changed him.  I was forced to come out of my thoughts when I heard Ashley continue.

  “So you might want to hitch a ride from one of your umm… other friends”,  she stated.

  “Okay!” I instantly agreed, not wanting to be difficult, but… “Umm Ashley!” I called out as they headed for the door.

  “Don’t complain Jane, it’s just for one day!” she explained and turned to leave.

  “I’m not complaining… but” I was cutoff again by the laughter from the table and the boys giving me pitying looks. What was wrong with everyone today?

 “What is it Jane? You better have a good reason to keep interrupting me!!” anger showing in her face.

 “It’s just that…. Ummm.. That” I stammered not used to being the center of attention.

  “That. What Jane” she demanded.

 “It’s just that…that…the library is the other way” I pointed out. And that’s when the entire table erupted in laughter. I even saw Derek try hard to suppress a laugh.

 “Yeah D!”, one of Derek’s friends, Rick, called out,  ”The library is the other way”, he said.  And the crowd erupted in laughter.  I did not get it.  Just then I realized that Jason would be home soon. I  got up and said, “See you guys.. I kinda have to get home early. Have fun in the library” and started to leave.

 Just then I heard some of the guys whisper, “She still doesn’t get it.  What a naïve girl.  I feel sorry for her”.

 What were they talking about?  Just then I heard my name being called I turned around to see Lillian walk towards me. 

 “Hey Lillian!” I said, “Sorry if Ashley said something’s to hurt you. She does not know what she’s talking about”

 “It’s okay. I realized that the only reason she wanted to sit in my seat was because it was closer to Derek’s.  Anyway here’s the notes you wanted from me. Hey Jane are you all right.  You look a little pale.” She asked

 “No it’s fine. I’m fine” I rushed out. “Thanks for the notes”.

 That was the last straw! I needed to get some things straight with Ashley and figure out what her problem with Derek and me was. I sent  a quick message to Jason, telling him I would be late. And I turned to walk towards the school.

 “She wanted to sit closer to Derek!!!”, my mind nagged.

 I picked up my pace, as I rushed to the library and I headed towards the discussion rooms and watched in horror at the scene unfolding right in front of me.


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