More Than What Meets the Eye

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Northern Lights luckily was trained from birth how to use the Batwing's belt. He stored the long bladed Chrysalis sword inside of one half of the broken heart. The descent from the metal mountain was tricky, with Northern Lights spiraling slowly down with Blooming Rose in his regal velvet cloak like a sack lunch. By the time he had finally landed, both were shaking like a leaf from the fear of the precious package being dropped, as well as exhaustion. Promptly they collapsed on the ground.

"I can't believe we just beat the White Widow," Northern Lights exclaimed breathlessly. "She has been terrorizing my people since before the beginning of the Nightmare Moon cult. If my father could see me now..." he dropped off, his face losing all joy.

"Hey, it will be okay," Blooming Rose encouraged. "Once we collect all the hearts, he will be able to see what a hero you are. I mean, you were amazing. You found out where I was, sneaked through the force field, and rescued me while I was under the Queen's spell. I mean, that is the stuff legends are made of. How did you even know that I was there?"

Northern Lights looked sheepishly away. "I didn't. I felt so betrayed by you that I flew off in a huff, flying to nowhere when I was captured by the Queen's guards. There, I put in as a slave in the Queen's kitchen, and convinced the head chef I was the most amazing waffle chef ever. I had planned to escape as soon as possible, however I couldn't get out of the force field. I was just serving the White Widow her strawberry waffles, hoping a plan would fly in, when I found you crumpled on the floor of her throne room. I just acted, and slammed the waffles into the closest guards, rushed to help you, and then got recaptured. Then you somehow shook yourself out of the White Widow's unbreakable spell and rescued me. You were so cool!"

Blooming Rose bit her lip. "I am not that great. I should have not made you leave. I cared too much about myself and not enough about your people. It wasn't until I was in the Queen's spell that I realized that I couldn't live with myself if I let Cutedrop down. If I rescued her instead of you, then she would never forgive me."

"Wow, you really love her don't you?"

"She and Glen are my only family. They took me in after I was abandoned. When everyone else was afraid of catching Nothing pony, they taught the Dragonwings that I was worth caring for. All my life I was told I was nothing, and she made me believe I could be something. When you say I broke the Butterwhat's Queen spell, you are wrong. She did. All it took was to remember those who believed I am precious."

"She sounds amazing," Northern Lights added. "Maybe after all of this I can meet her."

Blooming Rose glazed over. "She doesn't have that long to live. She will be dead by year's end."

"I thought that Dragonwings were a really tight knit group. Shouldn't the Queen's healers be helping her? Those guys are wicked cool!"

"They don't know how to. At first it was like a simple cold, but she just got weaker and weaker despite the healers. The healers can do very little to help her. The Empress told me that the only way to heal her was to have someone bring back the seven hearts and never come back."

Northern Lights seemed very taken aback by this response. "The only way that could be true is if-wait she isn't turning gray, is she?"

Blooming Rose brows furrowed. "Yes. How did you-"

Northern Lights leapt up from his repose, his eyes filled with pity. "I am so sorry Blooming Rose. The prophecy of Gray is coming to past."

"What are you talking about? What is the prophecy of Gray?"

"Moonstone's darkest prophecy. The two most important ponies from each side will sicken. First they turn completely gray, and then they start to disappear, from the horn first, wings, then cutiemark. Once they have completely disappeared, the gray will spread to all ponies and wipe out everything. Unless the seven hearts of gilded past are brought together again, and stops the warring nations from fighting, then the sickness will wipe out everyone, starting with the ponies, then moving on to everyone else. Cutedrop is only the first of many."

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