Destiny with a Side of Surel

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Blooming Rose awoke to the sound of two voices talking in hushed whispers.

"I don't think he is ready. Not everyone is fit to make it through the portal."

"And she is? Don't you remember what happened the first time she crossed over?"

"That wasn't her fault. You know the Waylanders would do anything to stop her from meeting Moonstone's prophecy. They will stop at nothing to have her killed."

"And anyone who helps her. What were you thinking bringing her here? The same trick twice won't work on them."

"I assure you that no one can-she's waking up." Blooming Rose finally opened her eyes to see Surel and some strange brown pony sitting on the couch across from her. "Good morning dear," greeted Surel while the other glared. "How was your rest?"

Blooming Rose slowly sat up. "What were you two talking about?" she asked groggily.

Surel smiled, "Nothing for you to worry about dear. Copperside and I were just discussing some village matters to each other, very boring stuff. The librarian just uncovered some old historical volumes and we were discussing the contents together. Rather dry in my opinion, right?"

The brown pony's eyebrow furrowed together. "Of course you would say that," he responded grumpily. But he didn't elaborate.

"Would you like some breakfast my dear? I suppose it seems quite early to you," Surel said after a short pause. Blooming Rose quickly glanced behind her at the diamond paned window.

"But the sun just rose two hours ago. It is early."

"Ah," Surel said as he hurried over to the stove. "However we unicorns are very dedicated astronomers. A long time ago, soon after we built this village in the hills, we decided that instead of sleeping at night and working in the daytime we would work at night to watch the stars. Most of the villagers have just fallen to sleep after their dinner. How do you like your eggs?"

"What are eggs?"

"Oh, I suppose as an honorary Dragonwing you have never eaten eggs before. You are most likely used to their vegan style of eating. How would you like a nice bowl of cloud?"

Her face cleared of all confusion. "Now that is something I know."

Surel quickly prepared the dish, and then placed it beside Blooming Rose, which she finished quickly. As soon as she finished, Surel cleared the bowl and opened the door next to the stove which she hadn't noticed before. "Come on dear, time for you to be reunited with your Batwing friend." With that he and Copperside descended into the door, Blooming Rose following cautiously. They walked through a long wooden staircase with bright blue torches on the sides, then walked quickly through a long passage way and several dark chambers until they meet another door, this one bright copper. Copperside pushed ahead and touched the lock softly, like petting a small bunny, and the door swung open to reveal a dark purple unicorn with. "Do you have the girl?" the unicorn asked.

"Of course we have the girl Lyla," Copperside impatiently answered. "Now let us in."

Lyla snorted angrily but moved out of the way, allowing the three to enter a small dark room. Racks of different sized bottles covered the walls, and several types of long-stalked plants hung from the ceiling. Runes covered every available space, and Blooming Rose could swear that she saw some wiggle in the corner of her eyes. In the center was a glowing cauldron that was the only light. A handful of ponies surrounded it, covered from head to hoof with the dark purple cloak that Surel was in when she first met him. As she entered the room, all of them turned to stare at her, and one ran towards her to envelop her in a hug. As he pulled away, his hood fell off and she could see Northern Lights' face staring at her with relief. "I was starting to get worried."

"Sorry for all the secrecy," said Surel as he accepted a robe. "Letting outsiders in is against our strongest laws and traditions. After the council learned who I let in however, they were willing to let it slide."

Northern Lights grinned. "They have been waiting for you longer than we have. It is so cool!"

"Why me?" asked Blooming Rose. "I'm not that important."

Surel smiled. "My dear that is what they all say."

"Who?" she asked.

"Every hero must have a very vital component to become what they are destined to be," said Surel. "Hubris isn't called mortal flaw for anything. The best heroes are one that does not believe that they are anything special, rather they are one a face for something much stronger than themselves: life. Each great warrior or hero is only a small thread of a much grander tapestry. We can only see a small section of the tangled back. The heavens guide the threads to make the big picture."

Copperside snorted. "Pretty words, but we need to hurry."

Surel sighed. "Of course Copperside, you are correct. Blooming Rose, do you remember your life in Equestria? Do you remember why you left?"

"Um, kind of," Blooming Rose answered. "I remember worshiping the princesses and all the ceremonies, but whenever I try to think of my family all I see are flames. When my necklace brought back my memories, it only brought back the essential ones for that time."

Surel's eyes filled with deep sadness. "It is time that you know what really happened. You did have a family, a whole tribe of them. You lived on the outskirts of Equestria, in a town of only Earth ponies, or nothing ponies as you call them. Everything was very happy, until the Waylanders found you. They are the opposite of us, comprised of total death and darkness. Tunnels of pure magic used to connect this continent and the other until they destroyed them. They were very happy with the most powerful objects that we have to use against them were then separated. Then they could start to weaken each group one by one. The division of the Batwings and Dragonwings was their first shot. It broke the heart into two parts that were lesser than the whole. They were getting ready for their second when you first showed signs of being the chosen one. Any so they did what they did best, they destroyed. While you were asleep in your home, they set the entire village on fire. It would have killed you except your mother awoke and smuggled you out. She was just able to save you, but not herself. Your entire village was gone, your tribe dead, and no one to tell the tale except a small filly hidden on the coastline. You should have died. And then the amazing happened. You were swept up in one of the tunnels of pure magic to the other side of the world, where the Waylanders would never look for you. And there, you were picked up by a loving Dragonwing who protected you. She was, coincidentally, the heir to the stolen Golden Heart of the Metal ponies."

"But why?" she asked. "Why do they want me so badly? I don't have any magic. I am nothing."

Surel opened his mouth to answer, but was overpowed by a bright light that roared out of the cauldron. "Northern Lights will have to explain when you get there," he yelled. "With the power of all of us, we can open this tunnel for a short amount of time. You must go. And remember. As the sun shines, the lily and rose must be with you or you will fall."

"But-my questions!" she shouted. "I don't understand Surel."

"It will be explained," he said as he pushed her into the beam. "And call me Star-Swirled the Bearded."

A/N For all you MLP fans, this is where things will get really interesting! And a surprise visit with Star-Swirled the Bearded, one of the five unicorns that raised the sun and moon before Celestia and Luna, creator of the travel mirrors, and writer of the spell that allows Twilight to get her wings. And in the next chapter, we will get to see the lily and the rose! And guess who Northern Lights meets!

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