Lily and the Rose

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The travel through the portal was beautiful. Blooming Rose couldn't see anything except complete darkness, however she could feel a series of different planes of reality passing by. One moment she was in the dark, cool caverns of the prophecies of Moonstone, another she was in metal tanginess smell of Lepitera with strange warmth around her. She could taste the mouthwatering chocolate of Glen's and hear her mother's tears, having only a moment to reach out before Blooming Rose was in a new plane. She could feel the cold of the deep sea, the sharp winds of the highest sky, yellow sunshine blaring down, and strange pockets of warmth in her chest as she sensed the presence of her loved ones. Blooming Rose was in the middle of comforting what she felt was Midnight Constellation when she was moved to a blank space. All the joy that had filled her left, as Blooming Rose realized this was what should have been Cutedrop's room in the palace. Star-Swirled must have known that feeling would have been the same as seeing, and it was the one pleasure Blooming Rose was denied. After that, all of the other joys, getting to spend momentary eternities with her close friends and family, were dulled. Slowly, the beauty faded away, and she was left with a slight queasiness in her stomach like cloud sickness. Instead she was in a beautifully decorated yellow room that was bigger than Blooming Rose's house. It was grander than anywhere Blooming Rose had ever seen before, even the Empress' palace, with jewels inlayed into the walls like mosaics, a wall of just books, and a balcony that extended to a deck overlooking a view of purple mountains. Suddenly, Blooming Rose heard a voice behind her.

"'Scuse me miss," a voice said. Blooming Rose flipped around to see a yellow Pegasus wearing a crown.

"Um..." Blooming Rose said. "I was" Thankfully, a loud groan interrupted her mumbled explanation for appearing into this royal's bedroom.

"That was so awful," groaned Northern Lights. "I never want to do that again. It was the worst thing ever. I think I am going to be sick."

"Is... is he okay?" asked the royal.

"A...I would stand back if I were you," answered Blooming Rose. A brilliant idea sprouted into her head. "In fact, I bet he would feel lots better if he went outside," she asked, walking over to Northern Lights, pulling him over to the large balcony. Northern Lights shook his head softly, his eyes filled with panic. "I can't fly Blooming Rose," he whispered.

Blooming Rose looked back at the royal, who was studying them. "Snap," whispered Blooming Rose. "If only I could get hold of some cloud." She looked down at her silver flying horseshoes, which had long been void of the flying strips Jir had put on. Her stomach still felt a little queasy from the tunnel, and she wasn't sure she could drag Northern Lights that far without getting sick herself.

"Why are you here?" asked the royal boldly.

" you can see, this pony is very sick. I was assigned to take care of him, when suddenly, he goes crazy and flies through your balcony," said Blooming Rose.

"I'm not blind," said the royal as she clenched her teeth. "What kind of lying Earth pony are you? Unless you are telling me you have magical wings that are invisible."

"Earth pony?" asked Blooming Rose.

"Oh cool!" said Northern Lights. "That is awesome. That is a total upgrade from Nothing pony." He attempted to get up, but instead doubled over and groaned. "That was not good idea. Ouch," he said. He looked up at Blooming Rose helplessly. "Why aren't you feeling bad?"

Blooming Rose couldn't help chuckling, despite the situation. "When Star-Swirled said it would be harder the first time, he wasn't joking. I do feel a little queasy."

Northern Lights grunted. "That is so unfair. Why does everything work out for you?"

"You know Star-Swirled the Bearded?" asked the yellow pony. "I thought he died thousands of years ago."

"Snap," said Blooming Rose. She had forgotten her cover. Apparently the ponies here knew who Star-Swirled was.

The royal bit her lip like she was nervous. "That's right. No more lies. Your cover's blown. Talk."

"Okay," Blooming Rose said, sure she was going to regret this. "I am Blooming Rose of the Olympic Dragonwings. I am here on a quest to save all creatures from a disease that will make us all disappear. The first one that has been infected is my sister, Cutedrop." Blooming Rose tried to look brave, but inside, she was terrified. She was making a huge leap of faith trusting a royal like this. She just hoped it was what Star-Swirled was talking about, and not just something that would get her thrown in jail. Her necklace began to hum slightly, but no one else seemed to hear. It seemed...happy with what she had done.

"" the yellow Pegasus' face froze, like this was an unexpected result. It looked like she was trying desperately to gather up a response to the bluntness of Blooming Rose's remark.

Northern Lights saved the awkward moment once again as he groaned in pain and wrapped his wings around him like a cocoon. He sighed deeply, and then flapped them out flat on the marble floor.

The royal gasped. "Is that part of the sickness?" she said weakly.

Northern Lights chuckled softly in the background. Blooming Rose shook her head with a smile. "No, that is just the way he was made. Take this as proof my story is real. Northern Lights' people have predicted this quest for thousands of years. You know your Princess Luna? She created them. He is here to help her finally meet the family she created. Please help us get out of here before we are delayed on our quest."

The royal's eyes glowed in shock. "You want me?"

Blooming Rose took a deep breath, mustering up the courage to response. In reality, she wanted to say no. She wanted to run far away from her and make sure that this royal didn't betray her and call on all her guards. Blooming Rose hadn't had a good run with rulers lately, considered the Butterwhat queen and Midnight Constellation throwing her in imprisonment. But she felt that this was right thing as well. "Yes. I need you to help me. Can you promise me this?"

The pony had a moment of deep thought before she responded. Blooming Rose prepared to rush over to Northern Lights and protect him to the guards the royal was going to call. Instead, the pony did something that surprised her deeply. "I Princess Lilyrose Sunshine vow to help you."

Blooming Rose was dissolved into a train of thought, and only faintly heard Northern Lights gasp. "The sun shines on the lily and the rose! You are the pony we need!" Blooming Rose felt uncomfortable warm, and the lights from the overhead chandelier created bright spots before her eyes. The princess said something else then in a tone of surprise, but Blooming Rose couldn't make it out from the loud humming coming from her necklace. She felt her body touch the necklace with one hoof, then a bright flash knocked her out.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2015 ⏰

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