Are you sleeping?

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Blooming Rose slowly opened her eyes to see sunrise glaring through the mouth of a cave. She couldn't remember much from last night, only wisps of dreams of Batwings and fairytales like that. Everypony in her world knew that the evil Batwings were only a myth, something to scare young ponies doing their chores. She stood up; glad that somehow she had gotten out of the forest and had such a wonderful night's sleep. If sleeping on a stone floor always felt like that, and then she would never go back to a bed made out of cloud.

"Are you sleeping?" asked a voice from above.

Her head snapped up, "Who...where are you?" she asked the dark cave.

Suddenly, there was a gust of wind and a dark pegasi stood in front of her. "My name's Northern Lights! What's yours?"

"I'm...I'm Blooming Rose. What are you doing here?"

"What are you doing here?" the dark pegasi taunted, "This is my forest. You are in Batwing territory."

"Batwings don't exist."

Opening his wings, Northern Lights smiled. "Then what are these?" he asked, flaunting his leathery wings.

"You'’re a..."

"Batwing at your service, ma'am." he finished as he bowed, "Now what are you? I’ve never seen a unicorn without a horn before."


"A unicorn. You know, the ponies with long stick spouting out of their head. Lots of magic. Kind of stiff." He looked at her puzzlement. "What, you've never seen a unicorn before?"

"Um, yes. I've never left home before."

"Still, to never see a unicorn, you must have had your head in the clouds. I mean, seriously."

"My head was in the clouds, or close enough. I'm a Dragonwing."

He shrank back in disgust. "Are you sure? You don’t seem extremely arrogant and stupid. Dragonwings hoard the weather like a greedy dragon hoards gold, fighting anyone who even lifts a hoof to bash a cloud. They can outfly anyone, other than the Chrysalis, because they wear Batwings’ wings as hats ."

"How would that help? Anyways, the Dragonwings are nothing like that. They are actually very kind and loving, once you get past that harshness. They watch out for the other creatures."

"I suppose you're right." he answered, "Stories have been made up ever since we split a thousand or so years back. Your ideas of the Batwings are hilarious."

"We what? Wait, how do you know my ideas of the Batwings?"

"Well duh. Batwings have powers over dreams. Ever since the moon has risen, Batwings have had the rule over night. We use this to watch over the dreams of others, sweeten dreams, help ponies get to sleep, and other things like that. Well, most of us." he added. "But the Nightmare Moon cult doesn't really count. They were exiled years ago."

"What do you mean?"

"How about I tell you in a dream? That will make more sense, with the added plus of having you stop staring at my wings."

She tore her eyes away, blushing slightly. "No. Tell me now. I don't want you fiddling with my dreams." she answered.

"Didn't you like your good night's rest?"

"You...gave me good sleep?"

"Well duh! Cave floors are extremely uncomfortable. I should know. You're not very bright are you?"

"Just tell me the story the normal way," she said bluntly.

"Ok. Sheesh, someone got up on the wrong side of the saddlebag."

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