Nightmare Moon!

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I awoke, less peacefully this time, by a jab in the stomach.

"Hey, trespasser. Get up. The Lunar Council will meet with you now." said a burly-looking Batwing. "They don't not like waiting."

"What happened?"

"Ordianry dream knockout. Found you in the caves. Very bad, very dangerous."

"You knocked me out?'

"No, found you with scum." he jabbed me again with the blunt end of his spear. "Hurry up."

He lead me like a herder to a large room, filled with Batwings. There was a small candle on podium in front of me that shed the only light. This time, with the sharp end of the spear, he prodded me up to it. Once I was in, the gate locked behind me, trapping me.

"Outsider, look upon your fate." cried the gray Batwing in front. "You now stand in the Court of the Moon to be tried for your sins. By the light of the moon, I, Ruler of the Batwings, Midnight Constellation, preside over this vedict.

"You were found in our most sacred dwellings, not only dirtying the prophecies of Moonstone with your presence, but also gaze upon them and learning of the future unjustly. How do you plead?"

"Unguilty." Blooming Rose stated, "How can learning the future from Moonstone be unjustly. If he put down the future, he must have done so for a reason. Your Moonstone sounds wise enough to understand that magic should be used for the good of all, not just the Batwings. This brings harmony to the land, and harmony in itself is true peace."

Midnight Constellation was taken aback by this respone, but a jet black pony stepped in. "Moonstone wanted peace for his people. He created the Belt of the Thousand Rises to accomplish this task. Without it we would have fallen to the sword of the other races," he spat. "Midnight Constellation, we must kill this scum quickly, before she unvails her hidden wings and flys away before we can catch her. If our most precious caves are discovered, we will lose everything."

"From no help from you, New Moon. I tesify in front of the entire court that this pony is trustworthy and just." said a famailier voice. As he stepped out of the shadows, Blooming Rose saw her protector was Northern Lights! He was dressed in a dark velet robe, and a thin silver crown rest upon his head. 

"Prince Northern Lights, as helper to this Dragonwing, you are in trouble too. You should not speak." growled New Moon. 

"And as a newly reinstated member from your exile, you should not threaten my son." warned Midnight Constellation. "He had right in speaking as much as you do."

"Thanks Dad!" Northren Lights said. "Anyway, although fair Blooming Rose was raised as a Dragonwing, she is not one. Anypony can she owns no wings, nor magic to conceal wings. Even dumbos like you, New Moon."

"Your majesty, I cannot-"

"You will or be banished again." answered the ruler, "Continue my son."

"Besides, killing Blooming Rose would be a stupid itself. Not only did she not flee when I told her I should kill her, but her bravery has been foretold by Moonstone himself. Our greatest prochecy, which tells us when we shall finally meet our Queen, depicts this young mare as the quester who must bring her to us. If we kill this mare, we are no longer Children of the Moon."

"There is a certain reslemblance." mused Midnight Constellation. 

"HOW CAN YOU BE SO EASILY BLINDED?" shouted New Moon. "She wears a object of power on her neck! She has come to do away with us all!"

"That is enough." said Midnight Constellation. 

"No, I cannot allow this outsider stop the coming of Nightmare Moon!"

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