Chapter Thirty Two

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Did they really care?

I didn't think I cared at that moment all I knew is that Trevor, and all the boys were here for now. Then I thought about it, they left tour for me. Me...

"Trevor?" I asked in a small voice.

He looked at me and gave that adorable half smile and said, "Yeah?"

I looked at my toes and said, "You should get back on tour. Your fans are dying to see you." I felt tears, I pushed them back though.

"We are leaving tomorrow." Sam butted in.

"Oh umm... okay... I'm going to miss you." I replied sadly.

I looked at Trevor and half smiled, he smiled back and said, "Guess what?"

"Yeah..?" I said worried.

He reached into his pocket and said, "You're coming too." He pulled out a plane ticket and handed it to me.

I smiled and grabbed it, "Are you sure I'll just get in the way."

"Kitty, I'm sure, you are Sammy are coming with us." Trevor said to me.

I looked down I knew i was just going to be in the way and mess everything up, but at least I get to see them, Right? I walked over and hugged him. I missed him so much.

I heard somebody clear their throat, I turned around and saw a doctor standing there, they looked and said, "Kitty we are keeping you over night to make sure you're okay." 

I half smiled and nodded and replied simply with, "Thank you doctor."

The doctor nodded and said, "Yes, and I think you should see a counselor, and not be left alone. Just to be safe."

Trevor talked for me, "We are going to be with her, she's fine. One question though."

The doctor looked and him as if to say 'yes?'

"Can I stay with her tonight? I mean if she wants me to?"

The doctor nodded and said, "Yes, you may, as long as she's okay with it." 

I smiled and said, "Yes, please." I looked at Trevor, then looked at the ground. I started walking back to my room and grabbed his hang on the way by and drug him with me.

I realized I was holding his hand and let get right away. When we got to the room i shut the door and hugged him again, he pulled me up and i wrapped myself around him. He help me close and whispered in my ear, "Don't leave me.... please."

I felt a pit in my stomach and I whispered back, "I won't..." 

He set me down and looked down at me,  he looked like he wanted to say something so I asked, "Are you okay?"

He looked at me and said, "I'm fine, you should get some sleep tomorrow we are leaving together."

I smiled and nodded and climbed in bed, he walked over and went to the small couch next to the hospital bed and whispered, "Goodnight beautiful."

I felt myself blush and I said, "Goodnight.... ummm can I ask you something?" 

He nodded.

"Can you lay with me until i fall asleep? Please." I felt bad asking but I missed him so much.

"Of course." He whispered and climbed into bed with me, he wrapped his arm around me and I fell asleep feeling safe.

The next morning I woke up and saw that Trevor wasn't there, I felt my heart sink, he left. I put my head back down and closed my eyes, I didn't know why I though he cared. I am so stupid. I closed my eyes and fell back asleep. 

I heard the door open it was probably the doctor so I sat up and looked it was Jessie, I smiled and said, "Hey. I missed you!" 

She looked at me and said, "Hey, I missed you to beautiful. Trevor left a note for you." she handed me and note that read:

'Kitty, I went to pack your things meet me at the airport, I miss you already, I didn't want to wake you. See you soon. 


I smiled and hugged Jessie and grabbed my things, "Where is Sammy?" I  asked.

"The buys took her." She replied with a smile.

"Okay, thanks!" I walked out and got signed out and called and uber to take me to the airport. 

When the Uber arrived I got in and told the man to bring me to the airport, he smiled and said, "No problem dollface." 

He drove me there and I payed him. I grabbed my things and walked in, there I texted Trevor and said,

'Hey I'm here where are you?'

A second later I got a text back that said:

'Look up'

I slowly looked up to the second floor and saw everyone. I climbed up and hugged him.  He backed up and Sammy came out holding and sign saying "Will" next came Jc his sign said "You" Kians said "Be" Connors sign said "Mine" Rickys sign had "?"

I read them and saw Trevor standing there shyly looking at me, I smiled and walked over to him and replied with tears, "Yes."

He picked me up and kissed me gently on the lips and set me down, I hear everybody whistling and clapping. I blushed and hid my face in Trevors chest. He was all mine.


An; Awwww finally right?!? what do you think comment!

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