Chapter Fifty One

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This was it. I was so done, I was over trying to make it in life. Nothing ever worked out for me, why even try anymore? I made it this far though so.. that was enough right? Besides Sammy had the boys, she didn't need me. She made it without for while I was gone anyways, honestly she'd probably have a better life without me. 

I slowly slide the covers off, pulled a baggy jacket on and slowly made my way to the bathroom and started the water, I just needed to think for a second. As the water was warming up I slipped my clothes off and looked in the mirror, I could now see why he didn't wanna be with me. My past is a fucked up story, I couldn't keep myself out of trouble for five seconds. I was effecting his life... I was effecting all their lives.. I couldn't just leave Sammy with them to take care of her though..

When the water was finally right I stepped into the shower and washed up quickly. I had been in that room for way too long.. I was gross, I just needed to wash it off. 

After my quick shower I went to my room and slowly started gathering my things, carefully and neatly placing them in a box just so it would be easier for them to get rid of everything. It was the best I could do.. I looked around the small guest room I was in and no longer saw any of my things. I let out a sigh and placed the boxes in the corner of the room before making the bed and straightening everything else up. I then walked to the middle of the room and stood for a moment. These people were so nice to me. They took me in when nobody else wanted me. I would be forever grateful for that. It was time, I tried a nose and tied it to the fan above me, I gave it a few tugs to make sure it wasn't going to break. Then I pulled my phone out of my pocket and sat down to film my video to say goodbye.

Once I finished filming I was in tears, I got up and pulled a chair over to the nose. I stepped up and put my head through the opening and stood for a second, I sighed. 

"Please forgive me." I kicked the chair over as I said my final words. Everything went black. I was free at last. 


An: Oh my gosh guys! Don't hate me! This book ins't over yet! We are so close! I hope you liked it. I love you guys! <3

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