Icicles, Crazy Dares, and Bunkers

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I sighed as I scrubbed the blood off of my hands. Stupid Miles and his god damn clumsiness. He managed to stab himself in the thigh. Again. How, you ask? I didn't know. No one knew.

"Hey Clarke, do you have anymore bandages? Some girl cut her hand while she was fixing the wall," Octavia pops her head into the medical tent that Bellamy requested I had. He said it was because I complained about it too much... Whatever he says I guess.

"One left," I grumble," we need to go on a supply run."

"You can talk to Bellamy about that. He has been really pissy lately, I think he's on his man period," Octavia giggles as I hand her the bandage.

"Wish me luck," I mumble as she skips out. I don't know how that girl has so much energy.

The camp has been thriving ever since the snow melted. We managed to last the winter, only losing three people. One was because of a dumb kid, a sharp icicle, and a crazy dare.

"Clarke!" Raven exclaims," Jasper fell off of the ladder again."

"Just, make sure he isn't bleeding or anything is broken. He'll be fine," I sigh. The sun is rising in the distance and mostly everyone has drifted towards the fire to claim their breakfast.

"Clarke, we need-" someone starts.

"Okay, whatever!" I exclaim.

"I was going to say that someone needs stitches," the kid says.

"Go to Octavia, she'll help you," I reply and walk away. These kids need to learn to not make themselves bleed.

Bellamy and one of his little bitches stand away from the fire, laughing about something. I cross my arms as I stop in front of them.

"What's wrong princess?" Bellamy smirks.

"We're out of almost everything in the medical tent. We need to find some kind of supplies!" I exclaim," and lately, your little suckups have been being idiots and hurting themselves a lot more."

"Calm down Clarke, I've got this under control," Bellamy says smoothly.

"Listen here you little prick. We're both in charge here and if I say we're going to do something, we do it. Got it?" I snap, walking closer to him. Bellamy motions for his friend to go away and bends down to my height.

"Fiesty princess. Okay, I'll get some people together," he says and walks away, leaving me fuming. Now that I think about it, I haven't slept in a while. Or eaten. I'll live.

I go back to my tent and grab my pack, throwing some necessities in it. When I reach the gate Bellamy already has a group formed.

"Miller is in charge, lets go before anyone gets themselves killed," Bellamy smirks and hands me a gun.


"Seaweed?" Bellamy asks as I shove it into my bag. I sigh when I exit the water, my boots squishing with each step.

"The grounders use it, it helps," I tell him. I see one of the boys throw a rock at another, leading to a full out rock war.

"Enough!" Bellamy yells.

"I think there is another depot somewhere east of here," I look at my map," ten miles, maybe."

"Ten miles too far," Harper mumbles.

"We'll go then," Bellamy agrees," let's get a move on!"

The sun manages to reach us, even with a canopy of trees overhead. Everyone is groaning and complaining.

"Shut up!" I exclaim as someone grumbles," you're fine!"

"Damn princess, did you not get your beauty sleep?" Bellamy chuckles.

"I don't know the last time I slept," I sigh.

"We'll stop if you need to," Bellamy offers.

"No, we can't waste sunlight," I reply and we drift towards the back of the group.

"Are you sure you're okay? I can carry something for you, or I can find you something to eat," he rambles. What the hell happened to Bellamy overnight?

"We'll stop soon. I'm fine," I tell him," you need to calm down."

I almost scream when a hand yanks me back. I look back to see two of the boys who had tagged along laughing.

"It isn't funny, we need these supplies! So stop acting childish and walk with the rest of the group," I lecture them and they rush off.


The walk here was quiet. A couple animals, no grounders, except Lincoln. He almost got shot by three different people. Everyone knows about him and Octavia, he's the only one keeping the grounders away from us. We stopped for three hours after that and I passed out. I was exhausted.

Now the sun had set and we are searching a bunker. We had found some of the stuff I was looking for, enough to last us a while. But this bunker had no god damn Band-Aids.

"We stay down here tonight," Bellamy instructs, "make yourself comfortable, Richard and Fox on watch until they get tired."

I walk deeper into the bunker away from everyone else. If anyone wakes me up, they are dead.

"Princess," Bellamy says," how are you?"

"Fine?" I reply.

"You don't seem fine," he says and sits next to me.

"Well, I'm not, but I'll manage," I shrug, pulling my shirt over my head, leaving me in a sports bra. It's just Bellamy, right?

"Uh, yeah, I guess. Just take a break once in a while," he stutters. I start to feel uneasy- is uneasy the right word to desribe it?-when he doesn't leave. What's up with him lately?

"Are you-" I start.

"Damn it Clarke, I'm not okay, or whatever you were going to ask. I can't stop thinking about you! I don't know what it is or why I feel like this!" He exclaims. My hands find his hair as I press my lips against his.

He pulls me onto his lap, our lips still connected. I tug at the bottom of his shirt, pulling it over his head.

"If this is a one time thing, then font go any further," I pull away.

"Not a chance, princess."

I luckily has layed down a blanket and pillows that we found before he came back. Bellamy lays me back, his mouth going to my neck. He kisses his down my stomach, pulling off my pants.

Do I really want to do this? Hell yes.

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