Workout Game

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Octavia almost dropped her water bottle when she saw that man enter the room. He was hot, very, very, hot.

"Ten thousand out of ten," her best friend Clarke says, breaking her out of her trance.

"You have a boyfriend. My brother! So shoo," Octavia says, pushing Clarke away. Clarke laughs and walks away. The two friends worked out every other day together, and today was a very great day to do so.

"Come here often?" Octavia asks as she approaches the man.

"Only when I know pretty girls like you are going to be here," he replies smoothly. Octavia blushes furiously and looks at her feet," who was Blondie?"

"Brothers girlfriend. Best friend. Let's not talk about her so much," Octavia rambles on.

"I'm Lincoln," the man greets.

"Octavia," she mutters.

"Well, I have a task at hand. I'm here every day from now on at this time," Lincoln tells Octavia.


The day after the next- a friday- Octavia returns to the gym without Clarke at her side. She makes her way to the treadmills to warm up. Ten minutes later Lincoln walks in and smirks at Octavia when they make eye contact.

Clarke had decided not to come, saying something about not feeling well. Octavia didn't really mind, though.

She made her way closer to Lincoln when she headed to do some leg presses. Octavia could feel Lincoln's gaze on her and she felt her cheeks get red. After doing all of her necessary reps Octavia pulled off her shirt, leaving her in a sports bra. Two could play this game.

She decided to do some was a leg day anyways.

"Are you trying to tease me?" Lincoln asks as he approaches her.

"Maybe, maybe not," Octavia shrugs," it isn't nice to stare at a lady's butt."

"I'm not nice then, I guess," Lincoln replies," are you busy for lunch?"

"I am now," Octavia smirks, grabbing her shirt and bag," where are we going?"


"I graduated with a degree in biology," Lincoln explains.

"Didn't think a guy like you would be interested in science," Octavia sips her drink," I'm majoring in econometrics."

"Didn't think a girl like you would be interested in math," Lincoln uses her words. Octavia smiles at him, sighing when her phone rings.

"O, are you busy?" Clarke says urgently.

"What's wrong?" Octavia asks.

"I don't know if I should tell you over the phone," Clarke replies.

"Spit it out, I'm busy," Octavia grumbles.

"Wait, you're with Lincoln, aren't you?" She asks. Octavia could tell she was smirking.

"Yes, don't tell Bell. And what's wrong?" Octavia asks again.

"I'm pregnant," Clarke mumbles.

"What! Oh my god! Bellarke babies!" Octavia exclaims, earning a weird look from Lincoln and half of the people in the restaurant.

"Don't say anything to Bellamy! I didn't tell him yet," Clarke sighs.

"Okay, okay. I have to go, I'll drop by later," Octavia says and hangs up.

"Bellarke?" Lincoln asks.

"You'll get it soon," Octavia giggles.


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