Squad Goals

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PrincessSaidNo I published a bunch of them so I had more than one, bit this is the wicken one I was talking about.

Every summer, Clarke and her friends go to her huge lake house for weeks at a time. This year they had the biggest crowd. Raven and Wick were fighting over something in the kitchen while Jasper, Monty, Maya, and Octavia swam in the lake. Bellamy was who knows where and Clarke had exused herself to go to the bathroom thirty minutes ago, and they all were trying to bet on if bellarke was happening or not. Lincoln and Miller were trying to grill burgers, but kept getting distracted and forgetting about them.

As usual, Raven thought she was right (which she was in this situation.) Tomatoes were a fruit! But God damn Kyle Wick had to pick a fight with her every time. Raven stopped in mid sentence when Clarke came into the kitchen, wearing Bellamy's shirt and no pants, her hair all messed up.

"I thought you guys were outside!" She exclaims, her voice cracking.

"How could you not hear us?" Wick asks," we were arguing about tomatoes!"

"Um, yeah, well... I'm gonna go back upstairs. Let's pretend this never happened," Clarke chuckles nervously and runs out of the room.

"Tomatoes are a fruit," Raven says.

"No, they are definitely vegetables," Wick grunts.

"They're fruits!" Bellamy yells from somewhere upstairs.

"Shut up and go screw Clarke some more!" Raven yells back. Wick laughs and turns back to Raven.

"This isn't over," he crosses his arms.

"Yes it is. I'm right, as always," Raven replies. She was right most of the time. She leaves the kitchen to go break the news of bellarke because she just loves to torture Clarke- her best friend rather than Octavia.

"Guess what!" She exclaims as she jogs out of the house," Clarke and Bellamy-"

"Know that tomatoes are fruits!" Wick interrupts her and drags her back into the house.

"What the hell?" Raven exclaims, bending down to fix her extremely uncomfortable brace. She was severely injured in her father's mechanic shop a year ago and was just starting to heal.

"You shouldn't tell anyone," Wick says.

"I can do what-" Raven is cut off by Wick's lips pressed against hers.

"It's disrespecting their privacy." With that, Kyle Wick leaves Raven sitting on the counter, shocked.


"You so have the hots for him," Octavia says, sipping her drink.

"No way," Clarke argues.

"Yeah she does, just like you have the hots for my brother," Octavia smirks.

"Is it bad that I didn't mention that Wick kissed me?" Raven chuckles.

"What!" Octavia practically screams. Bellamy runs down the steps, followed by Lincoln, Jasper, and Miller.

"What's wrong?" Lincoln and Bellamy asks.

"Nothing," Octavia smiles. Raven is bright red even though the men had no clue what they were talking about.

Jasper grumbles something and walks into the kitchen with Miller. Lincoln plops down next to his girlfriend, kissing her forehead. Clarke and Bellamy exchange a glance and he walks back upstairs.

"I'm going to bed," Clarke says quickly, hurrying up the stairs.

"They are so screwing each other," Octavia smiles. Lincoln chuckles and puts his arm around her shoulder.

"Yeah, they are. She came down here in his shirt and some skimpy underwear the other day," Raven says. She wanted Octavia to forget about her and Wick. Raven was never good at sharing her feelings or being emotional. She always acted tough and most of the time had a resting bitch face.

"Can you guys not hear that?" Wick asks as him and the rest of their friends walk down the stairs- except Clarke and Bellamy.

"No, what?" Raven asks, crossing her arms.

"You don't want to know," Monty sighs.

"I have an idea," Raven says, standing up and bolting towards the shed. She throws the door open just in time for the rest of them to see the dozens of fireworks she bad stored.

"I can make them go boom," Raven smirks.

"Cherry bombs," Wick laughs, high giving Raven.

"I don't want to see how this turns out," Maya frowns.

Raven and Wick make their way upstairs and Raven almost pukes from the noises she hears. Wick hands her a cherry bomb.

"On three I'll open the door," Wick whispers and counts on his fingers. Raven lights the cherry bombs- five to be exact- and they take off. Raven falls into Wick at the end of the stairs and they land on the ground as a laughing mess. Clarke runs down, a loose shirt and underwear on.

"You've got to be kidding me!" She yells and crosses her arms," this isn't funny! You ruined the floor and now I have to pay a shit load of money to get it fixed! "

"Yeah it is," Raven laughs. Wick stands up, pulling Raven up after him. Bellamy stomps down the stairs, and by now a crowd (their friends of course) has gathered.

"What the fuck was that?" He asks, running his hand through his hair.

"Cherry bombs. Just wait until we set off the big ones," Wick smirks at Raven. Octavia punches her brothers arm.

"It isn't nice to have sex with your sister's best friend," she frowns.

"It isn't nice to throw cherry bombs- at your brother while he is having sex with your best friend," Bellamy replies.

"That was us, don't give Octavia the credit," Raven tries not to laugh.

"Whatever. I didn't even come-" Bellamy starts but they all know what he was going to say.

"We get it Bell!" Octavia shouts. Clarke sighs and walks back upstairs, Bellamy chasing after her.


"Squad goals!" Octavia exclaims after she takes the selfie. Raven was ready to throw that damn selfie stick into a fire.

"My leg is so fucking annoying," Raven mumbles as she tries to adjust her brace. She can't walk right without it. Wick bends down and fixes it for her, smiling at her in the process.

"I won't let a car crush you next time," he chuckles.

"I'd appreciate it," Raven sighs.

"Just have babies already!" Monty exclaims, earning a weird look for everyone else," what, I'm just hopping on the bandwagon. It is a popular opinion.

"They already fight like a married couple," Miller points out. Raven and Wick are bombarded with reasons why they should date.

Raven leans down and kisses Wick, and everyone stops talking.

"I've been waiting for that... Does that sound creepy?" Wick asks and Raven laughs.

"Of course it does you idiot," she giggles. Wait, Raven Reyes giggles? Woah, this man really got to her.

Clarke, Octavia, Miller, Lincoln, and Monty had been betting on them the entire time. Maya thought they fought to much, Jasper still thought she was with Finn (come on Jasper, really?), and Bellamy just didn't care. He was too busy drooling over Clarke, as he had been for the past three years.

Raven and Wick smirk at each other as they set off one of her huge fireworks right next to the house. Everyone else had passed out, considering it was three in the morning. They weren't supposed to be loud after eleven and the cops were sure to come, but who cares? Those two sure didn't.

"They are so going to hate us in the morning," Wick points out.

"Fuck it," Raven says, grabbing a lighter," I like to make things explode."

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