Out Past Curfew

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Clarke was rushing home, it was past curfew and she couldn't be caught again. She stopped running as she came face to face with a guard.

"Why are you out so late?" He asks.

"I was just heading home," she smiles nervously.

"I'll take you there," the guard says," we don't want anyone else to stop you, now do we?"

Clarke follows silently behind him, keeping her eyes trained on the ground. Most guards were cocky, self-indulged, assholes, and she didn't want to get involved with one.

"What's your name anyways?" He asks.

"Clarke Griffin," she replies.

"Abby's daugter?" He asks and Clarke nods," I'm Bellamy Blake. Your mother is a great person."

"Why? Did she cure your strepthroat once or something?" Clarke asks sarcastically.

"A lot more than that," Bellamy answers, not phased by her sudden change of tone.

"Like what?" Clarke asked. She was curious as to what this guy liked about her mother so much.

"I can't say anything here," he replies quickly. When they approach the door of her flat, she quickly opens it and pulls him inside. Clarke knew her father wasn't home yet, something big big come up I'm the past few days.

"Clarke I was worried- Mr. Blake, nice to see you," Abby smiled, "may I ask why you're with my daughter?"

"Just escorting her home, considering she was out past cerfew," Bellamy smiles cockily at the girl next to him.

"Both of you, spill," Clarke crosses her arms.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Abby replies.

"Your mom helps sneak extra rations for my little sister," Bellamy says quickly.

"Sister? No one can have a sister," Clarke says.

"Well, I do. Her name is Octavia, she's about your age," Bellamy answers. Abby mentally face palms at the boy.

"So, my mom has been going against the law and sneaking food for an illegal kid?" Clarke asks. Bellamy frowns at her as she calls Octavia illegal, it makes her sound like some kind of criminal.

"Clarke, you have to ubderstand-" Abby starts.

"No, I get it. I think you're going the right thing. But I want to meet this girl."


"Mom?" Bellamy asks as he enters the flat, Clarke on his trail.

"Yeah I'm- who's this?" Aurora asks. There is a girl sitting on a chair behind her and she looks scared for her life.

"This is Abby's daughter. She won't tell, she wants to help," Bellamy gulps. He wasn't sure how his mother was going to take this.

"Well, I know who to blame if they float me," Aurora smiles lightly," I'm Aurora."

"Clarke," Clarke smiles back.

"O, come here," Bellamy says. The girl stands up and walks next to her brother," this is Clarke, she is going to help us."

"Hey Clarke! I'm Octavia! Sorry, I've never meet anyone my age before," Octavia giggles.


"I've never seen the moon before," Octavia sighs," or anything. Except this."

"I can show you a drawing of it," Clarke says. Octavia's eyes brighten up at the offer.

"Really?" She asks perkily.

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